
Prof. Dr. Viktoriya Sukovata

Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografie einer Frau mit blonden Haaren, Kinn in die Hand gestützt


Tel.: +49 341 21735-755

Viktoriya Sukovata ist seit 2012 ordentliche Professorin an der V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University und seit März 2022 am Dubnow-Institut, seit 2024 auf einer Walter-Benjamin-Stelle der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Studium der Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, Linguistik und Geschichte an der Kharkiv State University (Ukraine) sowie der Medienwissenschaften und Gender Studies an der Universität Hamburg. Promotion in Philosophischer Anthropologie an der Kharkiv State University. Habilitation in Kulturwissenschaften an der  V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Forschungsaufenthalte und Drittmittelprojekte unter anderem an der Universität von Bologna (Italien), dem Kennan Institute (USA), der Europäischen Universität in Budapest (Ungarn), der George Washington University (USA), der Lund University (Schweden), der University of Virginia (USA), am Jüdischen Museum in Prag (Tschechische Republik), an der University of California in Berkeley (USA), am Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Niederlande), an der Columbia University (USA), an der Freien Universität Berlin (Deutschland) und der Königlich-Niederländischen Akademie der Künste und Wissenschaften. Victoryia A. Sukovata erhielt unter anderem Stipendien von der Fulbright American Foundation for the Academic Exchange, dem Schwedischen Institut, der Sores Foundation und dem DAAD.


Erinnerung und Nachgeschichte des Holocaust in osteuropäischen Gesellschaften
Bilder des Holocaust im osteuropäischen Kino
Jüdische sowjetische Schriftsteller und Dichter
Jüdische und biblische Motive in den Filmen von Sergei Eisenstein
Die »jüdische Welt« in den Werken von Scholem Alejchem




The Face of  the Other: Images of the Others in Cultural  Anthropology. Kharkiv: Kharkiv National Karazin University Publishers, 2009 (Rus).


From the philosophy of science to postmodern cultural studies, Collective Monograph. Kharkiv: Publishing House of Kharkiv National Karazin University, 2019, 244–257.

Aufsätze und Artikel

“Demolition of Monuments as a Phenomenon of Culture in Global and Local Contexts: Iconoclasm, “New Barbarity”, or a Utopia of Memory?”, in: Studies on National Movements 10 (2022), 44–73.

Scientists-Emigres in the Anti-Nazi Resistance. Fate and Fame. In: Science, Occupation, War: 1939–1945. A Collective Monograph. Prague 2021, 437–459 (Eng.).

Women’s Education and Right to Vote in the Russian empire as a Part of an Emancipatory Project. In: 100 Jahre Allgemeines Wahlrecht in Luxemburg und in Europa. Actes du collogue. Milano 2021, 75–86. (Eng).

 “Hegemonic masculinity” in Western and Soviet popular culture: postmodernist receptions In: Modern Culturology: Postmodernism in the Logic of the Development of Ukrainian Humanities. Collective monograph. Kiev 2021, 190-219 (Ukr).

The Stalinist Past in Contemporary Russian TV Serials: Reconfigurations of Memory (included in Scopus database), in: Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics, 15 (2021) 1, 69-86 (Eng).

Wilhelm  Kotarbinski, the forgotten genius of Ukrainian Moderm, in: International Journal of Arts and Media Researches 11 (2021) 1, 277-289 (Georgian and Eng).

Scientific Freedom during Stalinism: Creativity in Sharashka, in: Scientific Freedom under Attack! Political Oppression, Structural Challenges, and Intellectual Resistance in Modern and Contemporary History, Collective Monograph, Frankfurt/New York 2020, 55-74 (Eng).

The Moscow Underground of the Stalin Time (1934-1953). Aesthetic Features, Political Significance and Cultural Symbolism, in: Underground Architecture Revised, 2020, 60-65 (Eng).

Women in noir style: the Soviet version, in: Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Karazin University, 2020, no. 60, 90-106. (Rus).

Detectives of Agathe Chrisie as a Philosophy of Everydayness: a Postmodernist Analyses (Included in Copernicus Index database), in: Bulletin of Mariupol State University. Collection of scientific works. 2020, Issue 19, 13-21 (Rus).

Feminist criticism of traditional science in the second half of the 20th century, on: From the philosophy of science to postmodern cultural studies, Collective Monograph. Kharkiv 2019, 244-257 (Rus).

Poetics of the Horror in the D. Lynch series “Twin Peaks", in: From the philosophy of science to postmodern cultural studies, Collective Monograph, Kharkiv 2019, 308–322 (Rus).

Ukrainian laugher shows on Ukrainian television of the 1990–2010s: from the “Masks-shows” to Verka Serduchka, in: From the philosophy of science to postmodern cultural studies, Collective Monograph. Kharkiv 2019, 393–404 (Rus).

Holocaust  Perception as a Source of  the Philosophy of Other in the second half of the 20th Century, in: Holocaust Studies: A Ukrainian Focus (Digest), Dnipro 2019, 132–143. (Eng).

Memories of the war in Soviet and Russian spy cinema, in: Baltic Worlds, XII (2019), no 2, 29–37 (Eng).

Receptions of the war and the Holocaust in the Soviet post-war literature: A. Tsessarsky's documentary story “Notes of a Partisan Doctor”, in: Problems of the History of the Holocaust: The Ukrainian Focus. Dnieper 2018, Issue 10, 94–126 (Rus).

The Holocaust Response in American and Soviet Cultures as a Reflection of the Different War Experiences and the Cold War Politics, in: American Responses to the Holocaust. Translatlantic Perspectives. Collective Monograph, Peter Lang Edition 2017, 131–150 (Eng).

Ukrainian popular culture in the context of Bakhtin’s philosophy of laughter and the postcolonial perspective, in: Baltic Worlds, X (2017) 1–2, 57–65 (Eng).

Spy and Counterspy as a “Cultural Hero” in the Soviet Cinema of the Cold War, in: Diacronie Studi di Storia Contemporanea, 30 (2017) 2, 2017 (Eng).

Soviet Spy Cinema of the early Cold War in Context of the Soviet Cultural Politics, in: Many Cold Wars: Re-conceptualizing the Post-WWII World. History. Esboços, 23 (2016) 36, 391–403 (Eng). 

The psychoanalysis of rhetoric of Other in the J.-P. Sartre’s works: Holocaust, World war II and the European society in occupation, in: Notes on Jewish history, 1 (2016) 189 (Rus).

Visualization of trauma and memory in the Russian cinema: priests in the Great Patriotic war, in: Visual communication in the socio-cultural dynamics. Collection of papers. 2016, 212–216 (Rus).

The image of the German occupant in the Soviet and post-Soviet cinema on the World War II: three filmic representations, in: Culture of Polis, XIII (2016), 171–185 (Eng).

Postmodernist Studies of Culture: a chapter in textbook Contemporary Cultural Studies. Recommended by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for students of universities, Kiev 2016, 178–199 (Ukr).

Gender Studies of Culture: a chapter in textbook Contemporary Cultural Studies. Recommended by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for students of universities, Kiev 2016, 200–220 (Ukr).

Postcolonial Studies, Minority Studies, Multicultural Studies of Culture: a chapter in textbook Contemporary Cultural Studies. Recommended by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for students of universities. Kiev 2016, 221–253 (Ukr).

Theories of Other on the Cultural studies: a chapter in textbook Contemporary Cultural Studies. Recommended by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for students of universities, Kiev 2016, 221–253 (Ukr).

Apprehension of the Holocaust as a source for the philosophy of the Other in the second part of the 20th century, in: Problems of Holocaust history, Dnepro 2016, no. 8, 45–160 (Rus).

The image of the GULAG prisoners at the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War in the new Russian cinema, in: Collection of papers “GULAG during World War II”, 2015, 68–73 (Rus).

The Holocaust in South-Eastern Europe: The Case of the Ukrainian Kharkiv Region, in: Holocaust: Studies and Cercetari 7 (2015) 1 (8), 137–156 (Eng).

Visual Anthropology of Other in the cinema of David Lynch’s “Twin Peaks” as reflection of American popular culture, in: The United States in the modern world: politics, economics, law and society, 2 (2015), 595–603.

The totalitarian language as a tool of Holocaust: studies of the Nazi unconscious in the works of Victor Klemperer, in: Problems of the history of the Holocaust, 7 (2015), 85–97 (Rus).

Gender Project in the Russian Utopia: the Feminist interventions, in: Culture of culture, (2014) 2 (Rus).

Mythologems of fate and reflections on "National Other" in the novel "Bloody joke" by Sholem Aleichem, in: Inviolable reserve, (2014) 1 (Rus).

The Soviet and post-Soviet masculinity in cinema: evolution of gender policies, in: Man and masculinity in the space of the text: collection of academic articles. Berdyansk 2014, 199–207 (Rus).

The philosophy of the Other, its sources and modern trends: a methodological analysis, in: Totallogy-21. Post-non-classical studies, 31 (2014) 285-301 (Ukr).

The Images of disability in the history of culture: Invalids or people with disabilities? Evolution of body norms, in: Psycho-pedagogical basics of inclusive education. The collective monograph, 2013, 51–76 (Rus).

Teaching Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Modern Ukraine: Problems and Perspectives, in: The Holocaust in Ukraine: New Sources and Perspectives, Washington DC 2013, 199–211 (Eng).

The Petersburg stones and the imperial symbols: the poetics and the mythology of the City, in: Labyrinth. Journal of Social and Humanities Research (Russia). 2013/3, 53–68 (Rus).

Roulette as a metaphor of a trip in the novel of F. Dostoevsky "The Gambler", in: Labyrinth. Journal of Social and Humanity Researches. 2013/2, 62-71 (Rus) (zus. mit M. Damirova).

From a “masculinity of trauma” to a “masculinity of neurosis”: the gender politics in Soviet and post-Soviet popular culture, in: Labyrinth. Journal of Social and Humanity Researches. 2012/5, 37–59 (Rus).

Studies of "disability" in the postmodern philosophy: the Other as non-normative body, in: How is possible Modern? Philosophical reflection on the situation of the post/after- Postmodern: Collective monograph in 2 volumes. Kharkiv 2012, 328–341 (Rus).

Deformity, disability, and body norms in the cultural consciousness: the identity of Others and the paradigms of their perception, in: The problems of  "I - personality": philosophy and modernity, 2012, 324–349 (Rus).

Poststructuralist critique of hegemonic masculinity as direction of ​​Western philosophy, in: Practical Philosophy. Ukrainian Scientific Journal. 2012/1, 206–215 (Rus).

The other body: invalids, ugliness, and constructions of disability in contemporary cultural critics In: Inviolable Reserve 2012/3, 73–98 (Rus).

The Holocaust, racism and the War as the sources of the "philosophy of Other" and post-Modernist ethics, in: Personality. Culture. Society, 14 (2012) 2, 169–175 (Rus).

"Philosophy after Auschwitz" and "Ethics after the Holocaust": Reflections of the Holocaust in Western and post-Soviet consciousness, in: The crimes of totalitarian regimes in Ukraine, 2009. Ed. by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and Research Institute of War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam, Kyiv 2012, 107–133.

Jews, femininity and Russian cultural identity: the public debate in the late 19th century in the stories of A. P. Chekhov In: Network Almanac “Jewish Antiquities”. 2012/2.

The National Archetypes of “Femininity”: the comparative analyses of Ukrainian and Russian models, in: Bulletin of the Kharkiv National University 41 (2011) 940, 40–44 (Rus).

Queer theory: the socio-cultural sources and the terminological discourses, in: The Culture of Ukraine. Collection of academic papers: Kharkov 2011, 83–92.

The Feminist epistemology and ethics as an attempt to deconstruct the women’s “Other” in the science In: Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Karazin University 2 (2011) 958, 229–235.

"Presumption of the culpability": World war II and the European community In: Universitates. Science and education, 2011/2, 14–22.

The oral histories, gender memory and women’s strategies of survival in the Stalinist epoch, in: From the Archives of the VUCK- GPU-NKVD- KGB, 35 (2010) 2, 331–378.

“The Philosophy after Auschwitz”: the reflections on the World war II in West and the Post-Soviet consciousness In: Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 2010/2, 112–132.

The World war II as the resource of new ethics and philosophy Other in the 2nd part of the 20th century, in: Skovoroda and the modern moral philosophy, Kharkov 2010, 172–186.

Queer-identity in the popular culture of the West and Ukraine: comparative  analyses, in: The Culture of Ukraine, Kharkov 2010, 63–73.

The “businesswoman” as the Other  in the Post-Soviet culture and mass-consciousness, in: The Culture of Ukraine, Kharkov 2010, 86–94.

The Image of violence in the Russian avant-garde In: Free thinking, 2010/11, 193–204.

The harvest of despair: the tragedy of Ukraine in the World war П (included in Web Of Science database), in: Ab Imperio, 2009/3, 527–543.

The gender identity and  modeling the  memory in the crisis time of the history: women’s strategies of survival In: Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2009/2, 67–95.

The "Bolshevik" or "Jewish" cinema? The Language of symbols and  narrative politics in Sergei Eizenstein’s works, in: Tirosh: Judaica Rossica. 9 (2009), 160–174.

The other Eisenstein: the "founder of the Bolshevik cinema" or "a Jew from Riga"? in: Collection of materials of the Sixth International Conference "Jews in a Changing World". Riga 2009, 240–247.

The Models of "Cultural Other" in the anthropological disciplines as reflection of public  debates on race, in: Tottalogy. Journal of post-non-classical studies, 2009/21, 158–176.

Queer-theory in the academic education: a chapter in a textbook Human Rights of lesbians and gays: an actual problem of social dialogue. Kiev 2009, 32–290 (Ukr).

Eduard Limonov in Searching of a "New Masculinity", in: Russian Politics & Law 46 (2008) 1, 20–30 (Eng).

The gender and national Other in the Russian cultural unconscious, in: Jews and Slavs. Essays on Intercultural Relations, 19 (2008), 266–287.

Politics of masculinity and power in Soviet and Post-Soviet cultures, in: Philosophical thinking, 2007/1, 36–59.

The Feminist methodology as the politics of education: construction of the new gender identities in the Ukrainian higher school, in: Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2007/3, 202–222.

Body, Death, and Pleasure in movie and Internet. In: Cosmopolis, 17 (2007) 1 (17), 52–69.

The Feminist interpretations of American Literary and Philosophical Utopias, in: USA and Canada. Economy, politics, ideology, 2007/1, 81–89.

The gender and sexual politics in the discourse of Postwar Anthropology, in: Philosophical sciences, 2006/5, 54–74.

Jews in stories by Anton Chekhov, in: Collection of papers of the Thirteenth International Interdisciplinary conference on Judaic studies, 2006, 199–220.

"The Philosophy of Name" by Pavel Florensky in the context of the  20th century philosophical, linguistic and semiotic ideas, in: Philosophical and Theological heritage by Pavel Florensky and modernity. On the ways to synthetic unity of the European culture. Collection of works, 2006, 233–247.

Woman as “Other” in Ukrainian  academia: the perspectives of  gender pedagogic in Ukraine, in: Practical Philosophy, 2006/1, 75–83.

Gender and Religions, a chapter in Ukrainian textbook Introduction in Gender theory, ed. by UNESCO Project in Ukraine, Kiev 2005, 385–426 (Ukr).

Queer theory and literary practices on the West and in Russia, in: Deviance in social, literary and cultural contexts: experience of multidisciplinary comprehension, Minsk 2004, 154–175 (Rus).

Utopian origin in the Vladimir Soloviev’s  philosophy of Universality, in: Russia and Universal Church. Vladimir Soloviev and religious and cultural unity of humanity. Moscow 2004,126–142 (Rus).

The American concept of Human Rights as source of gender critique of religions, in: USA and Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture, 2004/6.

Satirical Images of Women in Fairy Tales: the gender aspect, in: The Ethnology Notebooks, 2004/5-6, 763–768.

Gender polititics of advertisement on the post-soviet TV, in: Sociological issues, 2004/2, 65–70.

The Internet in social politics and mass consciousness: gender analysis, in: Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 2004/1, 89–103.

Queer-sexuality in Western  and (post)soviet academy, in: Gender studies, 2003/10, 293–300.

About origin of the Fascism, in: Gender studies, 2003/10, 300–307.

The War and Ideology: the anthropology of gender, nation and sexuality in the post-war discourse "on  the war", in: Collection of papers “The late Soviet Marxism and the present”. Philosophical and anthropological studies, Kiev 2003, 221–225.

Death as the Other in the philosophical narration of the Postmodernist cinema, in: Philosophical thinking, 2003/2, 36–51.

The Metaphors of gender „Other” in the Postmodernist theater: Color, Sound, Shade In: Tottalogy, Post-non-classical Issues, Ed. by Center of Humanity education  of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2003, vol.9, 343–368.

Business-ladies: myths and reality, in: Sociological issues, 2002/11, 34–49.

New spiritual religions: searching of power sources, In: Practical Philosophy, 2002/1, 184–192.

Woman in religious history and feminist theology, a chapter in a collective monograph Women in history: opportunity to be visible, 2 (2002), 33–54.

Gender courses and developing of democracy in Ukrainian high school, in: Women in science and education: Past, modernity and future, Kyiv, 2002, 58–68.

“Another” gender in the postmodernist theater: the feminist analyses, in: Gender in dramatic theater, Krakow 2001, 155–164 (Polish).

The feminist politics in Ukrainian education: towards the liberty and democracy values, in: Israel-Ukrainian collections of works, Collection of papers, 2001/505 182–187 (Eng).

Entrepreneurship Stereotypes in the Mass Consciousness (Gender Analyses), in: Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 2001/2, 131–144.