Scientists-Emigres in the Anti-Nazi Resistance. Fate and Fame. In: Science, Occupation, War: 1939-1945. A Collective Monograph. Prague 2021, 437-459 (Eng.).
Women’s Education and Right to Vote in the Russian empire as a Part of an Emancipatory Project. In: 100 Jahre Allgemeines Wahlrecht in Luxemburg und in Europa. Actes du collogue. Milano 2021, 75-86 (Eng).
“Hegemonic masculinity” in Western and Soviet popular culture: postmodernist receptions In: Modern Culturology: Postmodernism in the Logic of the Development of Ukrainian Humanities. Collective monograph. Kiev 2021, 190-219 (Ukr).
The Stalinist Past in Contemporary Russian TV Serials: Reconfigurations of Memory (included in Scopus database), in: Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics, 15 (2021) 1, 69-86 (Eng).
Wilhelm Kotarbinski, the forgotten genius of Ukrainian Moderm, in: International Journal of Arts and Media Researches 11 (2021) 1 (11), 277-289 (Georgian and Eng).
Scientific Freedom during Stalinism: Creativity in Sharashka, in: Scientific Freedom under Attack! Political Oppression, Structural Challenges, and Intellectual Resistance in Modern and Contemporary History, Collective Monograph, Frankfurt/New York 2020, 55-74 (Eng).
The Moscow Underground of the Stalin Time (1934-1953). Aesthetic Features, Political Significance and Cultural Symbolism, in: Underground Architecture Revised, 2020, 60-65 (Eng).
Women in noir style: the Soviet version, in: Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Karazin University, 2020, no. 60, 90-106. (Rus).
Detectives of Agathe Chrisie as a Philosophy of Everydayness: a Postmodernist Analyses (Included in Copernicus Index database), in: Bulletin of Mariupol State University. Collection of scientific works. 2020, Issue 19, 13-21 (Rus).
Feminist criticism of traditional science in the second half of the 20th century, on: From the philosophy of science to postmodern cultural studies, Collective Monograph. Kharkiv 2019, 244-257 (Rus).
Poetics of the Horror in the D. Lynch series “Twin Peaks", in: From the philosophy of science to postmodern cultural studies, Collective Monograph, Kharkiv 2019, 308-322 (Rus).
Ukrainian laugher shows on Ukrainian television of the 1990–2010s: from the “Masks-shows” to Verka Serduchka, in: From the philosophy of science to postmodern cultural studies, Collective Monograph. Kharkiv 2019, 393-404 (Rus).
Holocaust Perception as a Source of the Philosophy of Other in the second half of the 20th Century, in: Holocaust Studies: A Ukrainian Focus (Digest), Dnipro 2019, 132-143. (Eng).
Memories of the war in Soviet and Russian spy cinema, in: Baltic Worlds, XII (2019), no 2, 29-37 (Eng).
Receptions of the war and the Holocaust in the Soviet post-war literature: A. Tsessarsky's documentary story “Notes of a Partisan Doctor”, in: Problems of the History of the Holocaust: The Ukrainian Focus. Dnieper 2018, Issue 10, 94-126 (Rus).
The Holocaust Response in American and Soviet Cultures as a Reflection of the Different War Experiences and the Cold War Politics, in: American Responses to the Holocaust. Translatlantic Perspectives. Collective Monograph, Peter Lang Edition 2017, 131-150 (Eng).
Ukrainian popular culture in the context of Bakhtin’s philosophy of laughter and the postcolonial perspective, in: Baltic Worlds, X (2017) 1–2, 57-65 (Eng).
Spy and Counterspy as a “Cultural Hero” in the Soviet Cinema of the Cold War, in: Diacronie Studi di Storia Contemporanea, 30 (2017) 2, 2017 (Eng).
Soviet Spy Cinema of the early Cold War in Context of the Soviet Cultural Politics, in: Many Cold Wars: Re-conceptualizing the Post-WWII World. History. Esboços, 23 (2016) 36, 391-403 (Eng).
The psychoanalysis of rhetoric of Other in the J.-P. Sartre’s works: Holocaust, World war II and the European society in occupation, in: Notes on Jewish history, 1 (2016) 189 (Rus).
Visualization of trauma and memory in the Russian cinema: priests in the Great Patriotic war, in: Visual communication in the socio-cultural dynamics. Collection of papers. 2016, 212- 216 (Rus).
The image of the German occupant in the Soviet and post-Soviet cinema on the World War II: three filmic representations, in: Culture of Polis, XIII (2016), 171-185 (Eng).
Postmodernist Studies of Culture: a chapter in textbook Contemporary Cultural Studies. Recommended by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for students of universities, Kiev 2016, 178-199 (Ukr).
Gender Studies of Culture: a chapter in textbook Contemporary Cultural Studies. Recommended by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for students of universities, Kiev 2016, 200-220 (Ukr).
Postcolonial Studies, Minority Studies, Multicultural Studies of Culture: a chapter in textbook Contemporary Cultural Studies. Recommended by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for students of universities. Kiev 2016, 221-253 (Ukr).
Theories of Other on the Cultural studies: a chapter in textbook Contemporary Cultural Studies. Recommended by the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science for students of universities, Kiev 2016, 221-253 (Ukr).
Apprehension of the Holocaust as a source for the philosophy of the Other in the second part of the 20th century, in: Problems of Holocaust history, Dnepro 2016, no. 8. 45-160 (Rus).
The image of the GULAG prisoners at the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War in the new Russian cinema, in: Collection of papers “GULAG during World War II”, 2015, 68-73 (Rus).
The Holocaust in South-Eastern Europe: The Case of the Ukrainian Kharkiv Region, in: Holocaust: Studies and Cercetari 7 (2015) 1 (8), 137-156 (Eng).
Visual Anthropology of Other in the cinema of David Lynch’s “Twin Peaks” as reflection of American popular culture, in: The United States in the modern world: politics, economics, law and society, 2 (2015), 595-603.
The totalitarian language as a tool of Holocaust: studies of the Nazi unconscious in the works of Victor Klemperer, in: Problems of the history of the Holocaust, 7 (2015), 85-97 (Rus).
Gender Project in the Russian Utopia: the Feminist interventions, in: Culture of culture, (2014) 2 (Rus).
Mythologems of fate and reflections on "National Other" in the novel "Bloody joke" by Sholem Aleichem, in: Inviolable reserve, (2014) 1 (Rus).
The Soviet and post-Soviet masculinity in cinema: evolution of gender policies, in: Man and masculinity in the space of the text: collection of academic articles. Berdyansk 2014, 199-207 (Rus).
The philosophy of the Other, its sources and modern trends: a methodological analysis, in: Totallogy-21. Post-non-classical studies, 31 (2014) 285-301 (Ukr).
The Images of disability in the history of culture: Invalids or people with disabilities? Evolution of body norms, in: Psycho-pedagogical basics of inclusive education. The collective monograph, 2013, 51-76 (Rus).
Teaching Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Modern Ukraine: Problems and Perspectives, in: The Holocaust in Ukraine: New Sources and Perspectives, Washington DC 2013, 199-211 (Eng).
The Petersburg stones and the imperial symbols: the poetics and the mythology of the City, in: Labyrinth. Journal of Social and Humanities Research (Russia). 2013/3, 53-68 (Rus).
Roulette as a metaphor of a trip in the novel of F. Dostoevsky "The Gambler", in: Labyrinth. Journal of Social and Humanity Researches. 2013/2, 62-71 (Rus) (together with M. Damirova).
From a “masculinity of trauma” to a “masculinity of neurosis”: the gender politics in Soviet and post-Soviet popular culture, in: Labyrinth. Journal of Social and Humanity Researches. 2012/5, 37-59 (Rus).
Studies of "disability" in the postmodern philosophy: the Other as non-normative body, in: How is possible Modern? Philosophical reflection on the situation of the post/after- Postmodern: Collective monograph in 2 volumes. Kharkiv 2012, 328-341 (Rus).
Deformity, disability, and body norms in the cultural consciousness: the identity of Others and the paradigms of their perception, in: The problems of "I - personality": philosophy and modernity, 2012, 324-349 (Rus).
Poststructuralist critique of hegemonic masculinity as direction of Western philosophy, in: Practical Philosophy. Ukrainian Scientific Journal. 2012/1, 206-215 (Rus).
The other body: invalids, ugliness, and constructions of disability in contemporary cultural critics In: Inviolable Reserve 2012/3, 73-98 (Rus).
The Holocaust, racism and the War as the sources of the "philosophy of Other" and post-Modernist ethics, in: Personality. Culture. Society, 14 (2012) 2, 169-175 (Rus).
"Philosophy after Auschwitz" and "Ethics after the Holocaust": Reflections of the Holocaust in Western and post-Soviet consciousness, in: The crimes of totalitarian regimes in Ukraine, 2009. Ed. by Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and Research Institute of War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam, Kyiv 2012, 107-133.
Jews, femininity and Russian cultural identity: the public debate in the late 19th century in the stories of A. P. Chekhov In: Network Almanac “Jewish Antiquities”. 2012/2.
The National Archetypes of “Femininity”: the comparative analyses of Ukrainian and Russian models, in: Bulletin of the Kharkiv National University 41 (2011) 940, 40-44 (Rus).
Queer theory: the socio-cultural sources and the terminological discourses, in: The Culture of Ukraine. Collection of academic papers: Kharkov 2011, 83-92.
The Feminist epistemology and ethics as an attempt to deconstruct the women’s “Other” in the science In: Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Karazin University 2 (2011) 958, 229-235.
"Presumption of the culpability": World war II and the European community In: Universitates. Science and education, 2011/2, 14-22.
The oral histories, gender memory and women’s strategies of survival in the Stalinist epoch, in: From the Archives of the VUCK- GPU-NKVD- KGB, 35 (2010) 2, 331-378.
“The Philosophy after Auschwitz”: the reflections on the World war II in West and the Post-Soviet consciousness In: Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 2010/2, 112-132.
The World war II as the resource of new ethics and philosophy Other in the 2nd part of the 20th century, in: Skovoroda and the modern moral philosophy, Kharkov 2010, 172-186.
Queer-identity in the popular culture of the West and Ukraine: comparative analyses, in: The Culture of Ukraine, Kharkov 2010, 63-73.
The “businesswoman” as the Other in the Post-Soviet culture and mass-consciousness, in: The Culture of Ukraine, Kharkov 2010, 86-94.
The Image of violence in the Russian avant-garde In: Free thinking, 2010/11, 193-204.
The harvest of despair: the tragedy of Ukraine in the World war П (included in Web Of Science database), in: Ab Imperio, 2009/3, 527- 543.
The gender identity and modeling the memory in the crisis time of the history: women’s strategies of survival In: Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2009/2, 67-95.
The "Bolshevik" or "Jewish" cinema? The Language of symbols and narrative politics in Sergei Eizenstein’s works, in: Tirosh: Judaica Rossica. 9 (2009), 160-174.
The other Eisenstein: the "founder of the Bolshevik cinema" or "a Jew from Riga"? in: Collection of materials of the Sixth International Conference "Jews in a Changing World", Riga 2009, 240-247.
The Models of "Cultural Other" in the anthropological disciplines as reflection of public debates on race, in: Tottalogy. Journal of post-non-classical studies, 2009/21, 158-176.
Queer-theory in the academic education: a chapter in a textbook Human Rights of lesbians and gays: an actual problem of social dialogue. Kiev 2009, 32-290 (Ukr).
Eduard Limonov in Searching of a "New Masculinity", in: Russian Politics & Law 46 (2008) 1, 20-30 (Eng).
The gender and national Other in the Russian cultural unconscious, in: Jews and Slavs. Essays on Intercultural Relations, 19 (2008), 266-287.
Politics of masculinity and power in Soviet and Post-Soviet cultures, in: Philosophical thinking, 2007/1, 36-59.
The Feminist methodology as the politics of education: construction of the new gender identities in the Ukrainian higher school, in: Sociology: Theory, Methods, Marketing, 2007/3, 202-222.
Body, Death, and Pleasure in movie and Internet. In: Cosmopolis, 17 (2007) 1 (17), 52-69.
The Feminist interpretations of American Literary and Philosophical Utopias, in: USA and Canada. Economy, politics, ideology, 2007/1, 81-89.
The gender and sexual politics in the discourse of Postwar Anthropology, in: Philosophical sciences, 2006/5, 54-74.
Jews in stories by Anton Chekhov, in: Collection of papers of the Thirteenth International Interdisciplinary conference on Judaic studies, 2006, 199-220.
"The Philosophy of Name" by Pavel Florensky in the context of the 20th century philosophical, linguistic and semiotic ideas, in: Philosophical and Theological heritage by Pavel Florensky and modernity. On the ways to synthetic unity of the European culture. Collection of works, 2006, 233-247.
Woman as “Other” in Ukrainian academia: the perspectives of gender pedagogic in Ukraine, in: Practical Philosophy, 2006/1, 75-83.
Gender and Religions, a chapter in Ukrainian textbook Introduction in Gender theory, ed. by UNESCO Project in Ukraine, Kiev 2005, 385-426 (Ukr).
Queer theory and literary practices on the West and in Russia, in: Deviance in social, literary and cultural contexts: experience of multidisciplinary comprehension, Minsk 2004, 154-175 (Rus).
Utopian origin in the Vladimir Soloviev’s philosophy of Universality, in: Russia and Universal Church. Vladimir Soloviev and religious and cultural unity of humanity. Moscow 2004,126-142 (Rus).
The American concept of Human Rights as source of gender critique of religions, in: USA and Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture, 2004/6.
Satirical Images of Women in Fairy Tales: the gender aspect, in: The Ethnology Notebooks, 2004/5-6, 763-768.
Gender polititics of advertisement on the post-soviet TV, in: Sociological issues, 2004/2, 65-70.
The Internet in social politics and mass consciousness: gender analysis, in: Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 2004/1, 89-103.
Queer-sexuality in Western and (post)soviet academy, in: Gender studies, 2003/10, 293-300.
About origin of the Fascism, in: Gender studies, 2003/10, 300-307.
The War and Ideology: the anthropology of gender, nation and sexuality in the post-war discourse "on the war", in: Collection of papers “The late Soviet Marxism and the present”. Philosophical and anthropological studies, Kiev 2003, 221-225.
Death as the Other in the philosophical narration of the Postmodernist cinema, in: Philosophical thinking, 2003/2, 36-51.
The Metaphors of gender „Other” in the Postmodernist theater: Color, Sound, Shade In: Tottalogy, Post-non-classical Issues, Ed. by Center of Humanity education of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2003, vol.9, 343-368.
Business-ladies: myths and reality, in: Sociological issues, 2002/11, 34-49.
New spiritual religions: searching of power sources, In: Practical Philosophy, 2002/1, 184-192.
Woman in religious history and feminist theology, a chapter in a collective monograph Women in history: opportunity to be visible, 2 (2002), 33-54.
Gender courses and developing of democracy in Ukrainian high school, in: Women in science and education: Past, modernity and future, Kyiv, 2002, 58-68.
“Another” gender in the postmodernist theater: the feminist analyses, in: Gender in dramatic theater, Krakow 2001, 155-164 (Polish).
The feminist politics in Ukrainian education: towards the liberty and democracy values, in: Israel-Ukrainian collections of works, Collection of papers, 2001/505 182-187 (Eng).
Entrepreneurship Stereotypes in the Mass Consciousness (Gender Analyses), in: Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 2001/2, 131-144.