Through its multifaceted, multilingual publication program, the Dubnow Institute seeks to engage with the public and to make accessible the research conducted and discussed on site. The program includes purely scholarly formats like the bilingual »Jahrbuch des Dubnow-Instituts/Dubnow Institute Yearbook« and the »Studies of the Dubnow Institute,« the latter comprising theses written at or in close collaboration with the institute. By contrast, the essay series »toldot,« the magazine »Jewish History & Culture,« and the institute’s individual publications address the scholarly community and a general audience interested in Jewish issues. Aside from the »Digital Catalogue,« a hybrid publication available online free of charge or orderable as a book, the institute also publishes the blog »Mimeo,« a purely digital format through which early career scholars offer insights into their projects.
The realization of these publications is overseen by the editorial team of the Dubnow Institute, which works together closely with external copy editors and translators. With the exception of the magazine, the institute’s publications all appear with Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen.
Head of Editorial Department
Dr. Petra Klara Gamke-Breitschopf