
At a Glance Events


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Still Lives: Jewish Photography and Experiences in Nazi Germany

23rd Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Prof. Dr. Ofer Ashkenazi (Jerusalem)

12 November 2024, 6 p.m.
Leipzig University, Paulinum


Antisemitism among the Educated

Lecture series in the winter semester 2024/2025

Thursdays, 5.15 to 6.15 p.m., usually every other week
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig

Book Presentation

Der Almanach zum 7. Oktober – Versuch einer Einordnung

Book presentation by Prof. Gisela Dachs and Prof. Gideon Reuveni

Thursday, 10 October 2024, 7 p.m.
Ariowitsch-Haus, Leipzig


The Knowledge of the Witness, the Engagement of the Historian and the Writing of History. The Holocaust historian and documentarist Joseph Wulf (1912–1974)

An international conference on the occasion of the 50th commemoration of his death

8 to 10 October 2024
House of the Wannsee Conference Memorial and Educational Site


The Determining Gaze. Images of Jewish Life in Postwar Poland

Guided Tour

Next guided tour: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 1 p.m.
Dubnow Institute


Jews and the Fight against Racial Discrimination in Western Europe, 1944–1992

Tea Talk with Ludwig Decke

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 2 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Przy planty 7/9 / Bogdans Reise

Film screening in the accompanying program of the exhibition »The Determining Gaze«

Wednesday, 4 September 2024, 8 p.m.
Polish Institut, Markt 10, 04109 Leipzig


Rise, Development, and Decline of Yiddish Theatre in Argentina (1930-1960)

Lecture by Dr. Paula Ansaldo

Wednesday, 17 July 2024, 11 a.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Dokumentarische Evidenz – Zu einem besonderen Genre sprachlicher und praxeologischer Vergangenheitserkenntnis

Workshop of the Leibniz Research Alliance »Value of the Past«

3 to 5 July 2024
Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Berlin


Sprachmischung in »Eine runde Sache«

Reading and Conversation with Tomer Gardi and Anne Birkenhauer

Thursday, 27 June 2024, 5.15 p.m.
Literaturhaus Leipzig


»Der fremden Schnitterin zu.«

Jehuda Amichai übersetzt Else Lasker-Schüler ins Hebräische

Thursday, 20 June 2024, 5.15 p.m.
Literaturhaus Leipzig


»Nähe und Ferne« (1993)

A documentary film about the German-Israeli writers' meeting in Berlin

Thursday, 13 June 2024, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow Institute


Von den Hofjuden zur Kultusgemeinde: Jüdische Gemeinschaftsstrukturen in Österreich im Wandel seit der Frühen Neuzeit

Lecture by Dr. Tim Corbett

Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 2 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Beyond the Canon and Within It:

How To Say »Schwarze Milch« in Hebrew?

with Giddon Ticotsky

Thursday, 16 May 2024, 5.15 p.m.


Hebrew Literature in the 20th Century

Israeli-German Constellations and Resonances

Lecturers: Dr. Nicolas Berg/Dr. Caroline Jessen

Summer Semester 2024, on five dates from 5.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. each
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig/Literaturhaus Leipzig


Museum Night 2024 in Halle and Leipzig

Exhibition »The Determining Gaze« at the Dubnow Institute

Saturday, 4 May 2024, 6 p.m. to midnight
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Das Untergrundarchiv des Warschauer Ghettos

Potentiale für Forschung und Vermittlung

with Andrea Löw

Thursday, 18 April 2024, 5 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig

Book Presentation

Zuflucht am Rande Europas. Portugal 1933–1945

Book presentation with Sarita Brandt and Christa Heinrich

Wednesday, 17 April 2024, 7 p.m.
Capa-Haus, Leipzig


Photographs of Jewish life in Postwar Poland and their Preservation in Archives and Photo Albums

Special guided tour of the exhibition »The Determining Gaze« on Provenance Research Day

with Monika Heinemann and Julia Roos

Wednesday, 10 April 2024, 4 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Freundschaftsbriefe im 20. Jahrhundert

ZfL-DI-Workshop: Jüdische Geschichte und Literaturforschung

Organized by Nicolas Berg (DI) and Falko Schmieder (ZfL)

Friday, 5 April 2024
ZfL, Berlin

Book Presentation

Zweierlei Zugehörigkeit. Der jüdische Kommunist Leo Zuckermann und der Holocaust

Book presentation with Philipp Graf

Thursday, 21 March 2024, 6 p.m.
Bundesverwaltungsgericht, Leipzig

Book Presentation

Dovid Bergelson, »Die Welt möge Zeuge sein«

Book presentation and Yiddish-German reading

mit Sabine Koller und Alexandra Polyan

Tuesday, 13 February 2024, 7.30 p.m.
Literaturhaus Leipzig


Kritischer Konstruktivismus. Richard Koebners Wortbedeutungsforschung

Lunchtalk Peter Tietze

Thursday, 8 February 2024, 11 a.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


The Flight of Poland’s Jewish Survivors, 1945–1947

with David Engel

Thursday 1 February 2024, 5.15 p.m.


What Did We not Know about the Kielce Pogrom until Now?

Notes on the Research for the New Monograph "Cursed. A Social Portrait of the Kielce Pogrom"

with Joanna Tokarska-Bakir

Thursday, 25 January 2024, 5.15 p.m.


Ausgestopft und Ausgestellt? Versuch einer Begegnung mit Jüdischen Museen

Guided tour

Julia Roos and Marc Wrasse

Thursday, 11 January 2024, 4 p.m.
Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig


»There Is No Jewish Question, There Are Only Jewish Problems«.

Jewish Communists in Postwar Poland

mit Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov

Thursday, 4 January 2024, 6.15 p.m.



The Visual Heritage of Polish Jews.

The Complex History of the Collection of Postwar Photographs in the Jewish Historical Institute

with Agnieszka Kajczyk

Monday, 11 December 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow-Institut, Leipzig/Stream

Simon Dubnow Lecture

Juden, Dissidenten, Sowjetmenschen: Die Entzauberung des Sozialismus

22nd Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Benjamin Nathans

7. Dezember 2023, 18 Uhr
Bibliotheca Albertina, Lecture Hall

Book Presentation

Bohemia’s Jews and Their Nineteenth Century. Texts, Contexts, Reassessments

Book Presentation with Jindřich Toman

with Jindřich Toman

Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 5 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Jewish activism in Soviet Belarus between the fight against discrimination and the decision to leave the country, 1950s–1960s

Lunchtalk with Uladzimir Valodzin

Monday, 27 November 2023, 2 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Ein jüdisches Gedächtnis.

Die Rolle des Jüdischen Historischen Instituts beim Wiederaufbau jüdischen Lebens in Polen

with Stepahn Stach

Thursday, 16 November 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig/Stream


Bilanz einer Begegnung

Panel discussion about the exhibition »Ausgestopft und Ausgestellt?«

with Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Léontine Meijer-van Mensch, and Hannes Sulzenbacher

Wednesday, 8 November, 5 p.m.
GRASSI Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig, Bonvenon Room


Between a Teleology of Demise and Communist Optimism.

Jewish Life in Lower Silesia, 1945–1950

with Kamil Kijek

Thursday, 19 October 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig/Stream


Living in the Land of Death

Jews in Poland immediately after the Holocaust

Lecturers: Dr. Monika Heinemann/Carolin Piorun/Dr. Julia Roos

Winter semester 2023/2024, on six dates from 5.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. each
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig and digital


Exhibition: Jewish Album

Photographs by Rita Ostrovska

November 2021 to September 2023
Dubnow Institute

Book Presentation

Jewish Diplomacy and Zionist Politics: Richard Lichtheim in the Age of World Wars

Book presentation and reception within the framework of the Historikertag

mit Andrea Kirchner, Markus Kirchhoff und Yfaat Weiss

Wednesday, 20 September 2023, 7.30 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Exhibition stand of the Dubnow Institute

Exhibition of the 54. Deutscher Historikertag

19 to 22 September 2023
Leipzig University, Hörsaalgebäude, 1st floor


Ein Jüdisches Museum für Sachsen?

Aufgaben – Inhalte – Objekte

with Alina Gromova, Daniel Ristau, and Johanna Sänger

Thursday, 29 June 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Grassi-Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig


1341 Frames of Love and War

A cinematic portrait of the Israeli photographer Micha Bar-Am

Monday, 26 June 2023, 7.30 p.m.
Kinobar Prager Frühling


Long Night of Science

The program at the Dubnow Institute

Friday, 23 June 2023, 6 to 11 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Why Jewish Museums Matter.

The Creation of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

with Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett

Thursday, 22 June 2023, 5.15 p.m.


Die rumänisch-jüdische Frage. Eine transatlantische Geschichte (1872–1938)

Lunchtalk with Dr. Andreas Pfützner

Wednesday, 21 June 2023, 11.15 a.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


East Central Europe at the Crossroads:

Jewish Transnational Networks and Identities

18 to 20 June 2023
POLIN Museum, Warsaw


Jüdische Ritualgegenstände in Museen.

Ein Vergleich zwischen Europa und den USA

with Verena Kasper-Marienberg

Thursday, 1 June 2023, 5.15 p.m.


Jewish History in Museums.

A report from Amsterdam and Berlin

with Hetty Berg

Thursday, 1 June 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, seminar room


Macht und Machtlosigkeit: Wilhelm Filderman und die Juden Rumäniens, 1938–1944

Lunchtalk with Dr. Gaëlle Fisher

Wednesday, 24 May 2023, 11.15 a.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Jüdische Museen in Europa – ein Überblick

with Emile Schrijver

Thursday, 11 May 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, seminar room


Jewish Museums:

Foundation Histories and Current Positionings

Prof. Dr. Jörg Deventer/Dr. Julia Roos

Sommer semster 2023, thursdays, 5.15-6.45 p.m.
In-person or digital


Jacob & Esau, Catastrophe, and Jewish European History

Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Malachi H. Hacohen

8 May 2023, 6 p.m.
Bibliotheca Albertina, Lecture Hall


Museum Night 2023 in Halle and Leipzig

Exhibition »Jewish Album« at the Dubnow Institute

Saturday, 6 May 2023, 6 p.m. to midnight
Dubnow Institute

Book Presentation

Die Überlebenden vor Gericht. Auschwitz-Häftlinge als Zeugen in NS-Prozessen (1950–1976)

Reading and discussion as part of »Leipzig liest« (Leipzig reads)

with Dr. Katharina Stengel and Dr. Axel Doßmann

Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 6 p.m.
Federal Administrative Court, Courtroom 5


European Jews Facing the Imminence of the Holocaust

23 to 25 April 2023
POLIN Museum, Warsaw


»Ahead of the Lord God«

Maria Schrader reading Hanna Krall

19 April 2023, 8 p.m., Admission: 7.30 p.m.
Salles de Pologne, Leipzig


Memorial Concert for the 80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

by Members of the Leipziger Universitätsorchester

Welcome: Prof. Dr. Jörg Deventer

18 April 2023, 8 p.m., Admission: 7.30 p.m.
Grassimuseum für Musikinstrumente der Universität Leipzig, Entrance Täubchenweg


“It's nothing. It's in the Ghetto.” Reflections on the 80th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jan Tomasz Gross

17 April 2023, 6 p.m.
Paulinum, Leipzig University and digital


Looking at the Ghetto… The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Eighty Years in Retrospect

International Conference

17 April, 1 p.m. to 19 April 2023, 9.30 p.m.
Paulinum, Leipzig University/Salles de Pologne, Leipzig // The conference will take place in English and German, with simultaneous translation being offered


Lyricism and Violence: On Isaiah Spiegel's »Flamen fun der erd«; a Novel from the Łódź Ghetto

Lunchtalk with Prof. Dr. Julian Levinson

29 March 2023, 11.15 a.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Europe’s Jewish Armed Forces: Through the Long Nineteenth Century to the Wars of Galician Succession

Lunchtalk with Dr. Jan Rybak

1 March 2023, 11.15 a.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig


Unvollendetes, Zerbrochenes, Verlorenes: Über das Fragment

ZfL-DI-Workshop: Jüdische Geschichte und Literaturforschung

10 February 2023
Dubnow Institute


»The largest country in Europe. Yet it was mostly missing from our mental maps.« (Olesya Khromeychuk)

Leipzig Lecture Series on Literature, Culture and History of the Ukraine

Winter semester 2022/2023, wednesday, 5 p.m.
GWZO, Specks Hof, Eingang A, and online


Imperial Education.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the British Mandate Area

2 Feburary 2023, 5.15 p.m.


Research Colloquium: Educational Paths.

New Approaches to the History of Jewish Higher Education

PD Dr. Jan Gerber/Lisa Pribik

Winter semester 2022/2023, thursdays, 5.15-6.45 p.m., every other week
Dubnow Institute or digital


Ewigkeit vs. Kontingenz.

Zum philosophischen Erbe der Hochschule für die Wissenschaft des Judentums

26 January 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, seminar room


Akademische Zwangsmigration während des Nationalsozialismus und die Schweizer Universitäten.

Einblicke in ein (digitales) Forschungsprojekt

12 January 2023, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, seminar room



»The Sciences Have Not Let Me Penetrate Them Normally:«

Seductive Science in the Jewish 18th Century

15 December 2022, 5.15 p.m.


The Hochschule. Material History and Intellectual Legacy

Keynote lecture: Nils Roemer, University of Texas

29 to 30 November 2022
Centrum Judaicum Berlin and digital


Wissenschaftler:innen jüdischer Herkunft an der Universität Wien im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.

Jüdische Studien ohne Juden?

with Mitchell Ash

24 November 2022, 5.15 p.m.
Dubnow Institute, seminar room


Strategies of Survival of Jews in Kyiv Region in 1930s

Lunchtalk with Dr. Tetiana Perga

27 September, 11 a.m.
Dubnow Institute, Leipzig

Book Presentation

Szenen der Wiener Moderne. Vorstellungswelten des Jüdischen

with Dr. Theresa Eisele

26 September 2022, 7.30 p.m.
Kinobar Prager Frühling


»Wir halten es für fahrlässig, über uns zu schweigen.« (Serhij Žadan)

Leipzig Lecture Series on Literature, Culture and History of the Ukraine

7 July, 5.15 p.m.: Panel discussion with refugee scholars from the Ukraine
Polnisches Institut


Jewish Scholars at the Leipzig University

Presentation of the web portal by Dr. Ulrich Schuster, Josefine Klaus, and Sophie Rabenow

5 July 2022, 7 p.m.


»What Is on Trial Here Is the Yiddish Language«: The Making and Unmaking of Soviet Yiddish Literature

Annual Conference

with a keynote lecture by Harriet Murav (University of Illinois)

27th to 29th June 2022
Literaturhaus Leipzig e. V. / Haus des Buches


Zug des Lebens – die jiddische Literatur in der Sowjetunion

Yiddish-German Reading

28 June 2022, 7.30 p.m.
Literaturhaus Leipzig


The Colony and the Village:

Jewish Memories of Hierarchical Coexistence in Ottoman and Mandate Palestine

mit Liora R. Halperin

15th June 2022, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST)
Digital event


Bücher in »fremden Händen«

Die Privatbibliothek Franz Rosenzweigs in Tunis und Versuche des Transfers nach Jerusalem

Lunchtalk with Julia Schneidawind

7 June 2022, 10 a.m.
Dubnow Institute


GYSM – GIF Young Scientist Meetings

Sovereignty, Entitlement, and Belonging: Jewish Legal Responses to Transition and Crisis in the 20th Century

30 May to 2 June 2022
Yearim Hotel, Kibbutz Ma’ale Hahamisha, Israel


Jewish Responses to the Massacre in Damascus 1860

mit Orit Bashkin

25th May 2022, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST)
Digital event


Towards a Minor History:

Jewish-Muslim Encounters and Dialogue in Interwar Germany and India

mit Razak Khan

18th May 2022, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST)
Digital event

Simon Dubnow Lecture

Kontingenz. Das Jüdische Palästina und der Zweite Weltkrieg

21st Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Dr. Dr. h. c. Dan Diner (Jerusalem)

12 May 2022, 6 p.m.
Bibliotheca Albertina, Lecture Hall

Book Presentation

»Unverschämt jüdisch«. Über Literatur, das Leben und jüdische Identität

Buchvorstellung mit Barbara Honigmann

26 April 2022, 7 p.m.
Literaturhaus Leipzig, Café


»My Oriental, my Mohammedan year.«

Ignác Goldziher in Constantinople, Beirut, Damascus, Jerusalem, and Cairo (1873–74)

mit Céline Trautmann-Waller

13th April 2022, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST)
Digital event


Digital Lecture Series: Jewish-Muslim Encounters within the European Context

Politics, Religion and Scholarship in the Late Modern Period

13th April to 15th June 2022, wednesdays, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST)
Digital event

Book Presentation

Niemandsland. Hader am Berg Scopus

Book Presentation

with Yfaat Weiss

17 March 2022, 6 p.m.
Live streaming from the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig

Book Presentation


Hader am Berg Scopus

with Yfaat Weiss (Leipzig/Jerusalem)

19 January 2022, 2 p.m. (Israel); 1 p.m. (Leipzig)



»Wir Zurückgebliebenen gleichen Konservatoren eines geplünderten Museums«.

Von der Rekonstruktion jüdischer Sammlungen der Weimarer Republik

with Meike Hopp (Berlin)

13 December, 6 p.m.
Digital event


Zwischen Realitäten und Illusionen.

Zur Provenienzforschung jüdischer Bücher

with Emile Schrijver (Amsterdam)

6 December, 6 p.m.
Digital event


Epochenschwellen und Epochenzäsuren

Joint workshop at the ZfL Berlin

2 December 2021
Leibniz-Zentrums für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin


Cancellation of the lecture

Judaica Frankfurt: Zur Geschichte einer Sammlung jüdischer Sammlungen

with Kerstin von der Krone (Frankfurt am Main)

scheduled for 29 November, 6 p.m.
at the Bibliotheca Albertina, Lecture Hall


Wenn Bücher reden könnten...

Einblicke in die Provenienzforschung der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig

with Cordula Reuß (Leipzig)

15 November, 6 p.m.
Bibliotheca Albertina, Lecture Hall


Dem Holocaust entkommen: polnisch-jüdisches Überleben in der Sowjetunion (1939–1946)

Lunch talk with Markus Nesselrodt

9 November 2021, 11.30 a.m.
Seminar Building of the Leipzig University, Universitätsstraße 1, room S 420


One Biography, Multiple Places

The Life and Work of Shmuel Hugo Bergmann Between Prague and Jerusalem (1883–1975)

3–4 November 2021
Faculty of Arts, Prague



Die Jüdische Bibliothek an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

with Andreas Lehnardt (Mainz)

25 October, 6 p.m.
Bibliotheca Albertina, Lecture Hall



Provenienzforschung zwischen Überlieferung, Eigentumsfragen und Philologie

with Caroline Jessen (Leipzig)

18 October, 6 p.m.
Bibliotheca Albertina, Lecture Hall


Lecture Series: »The Search for Traces«

Current Discussions on the Provenance and Dispersion of Jewish Book Collections in Germany

18 October to 13 December 2021, mondays (every other week), 6 p.m.
Bibliotheca Albertina, Lecture Hall or digital


»Herkunft zu ermitteln. Das Depositum der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinde in der UB Leipzig«

Cabinet exhibition in the Bibliotheca Albertina

8 October 2021 to 13 February 2022, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Bibliotheca Albertina


Herkunft zu ermitteln. Das Depositum der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinde in der UB Leipzig

Exhibition opening

7 October 2021, 6 p.m.
Bibliotheca Albertina


What’s New, What’s Next? Innovative Methods, New Sources, and Paradigm Shifts in Jewish Studies

International conference

3rd to 7th October 2021
Online conference


»Die armen Polen blicken aufs Ghetto« (Jan Błoński, 1987). Polnisch-jüdische Beziehungen im 20./21.Jahrhundert

Webtalk with Jun-Prof. Dr. Anna Artwińska and Dr. Monika Heinemann

14 July 2021, 6 p.m.
Digital event

Book Presentation

Die Grabstätten meiner Väter. Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Wien

Book Presentations with Tim Corbett

with Dr. Tim Corbett

29 June 2021, 7.30 p.m.
Digital event


Affective Encounters

Jewish Objects and Emotions in Poland and East-Central Europe after the Holocaust

June, 23–25, 2021
Digital event


American Jewish Political Thought – At Home and Abroad

Digital Annual Conference

15th to 16th June 2021
Digital Annual Conference


Digital Lecture Series: American Jewish Political Thought

Transnational Varieties

15th April to 3rd June 2021, thursdays (every second week), 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Political Theology in America

On the Impact and Legacy of Jewish Refugees and Immigrants

with Eugene R. Sheppard (Waltham, MA)

3rd June 2021, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


»Always Right«:

Midge Decter, Norman Podhoretz, and the Making of an American Jewish Conservative Politics

with Ronnie A. Grinberg (Norman, OK)

20th May 2021, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Revolution, Decolonization, Democracy, and Cooperation

Zionism and the Middle East from an American Jewish Perspective

with Zohar Segev (Haifa)

6th May 2021, 17.15–18.15 Uhr (CEST); 11.15–12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Beyond American-Jewish Exceptionalism

The State in American Jewish Politics

with Lila Corwin Berman (Philadelphia, PA)

29th April 2021, 6.15–7.15 p.m. (CEST); 12.15 p.m. to 1.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


The Political Exceptionalism of American Jewry

A Contextual Approach

with Kenneth D. Wald (Gainesville, FL)

15th April 2021, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Digital Lecture Series: »Let My People Go!«

Jewish Emigration from Eastern Europe since the 1960s

12th November 2020 to 2nd February 2021, thursdays (every other week), 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Rethinking Soviet Spaces

A New Paradigm in Comparative Literature

with Dr. Natasha Gordinsky (University of Haifa)

4th Feburary 2021, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event

Book Presentation

The Return to the Archive

Dispersal, Transmission, and Anticipation in Personal Archives between Germany and Israel

25 January 2021, 7 p.m. (Leipzig), 8 p.m. (Jerusalem)
digital event


A Scholar as Scholarly Subject:

Contemporary Historiography on East European Jews and their Material Culture seen in a Personal Perspective of Physical and Intellectual Migration

with Vladimir Levin (Jerusalem)

21st January 2021, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Vom Objekt zum Subjekt:

Contemporary HistorioNeueste jüdische Geschichte und Gegenwart im wiedervereinigten Deutschlandgraphy on East European Jews and their Material Culture seen in a Personal Perspective of Physical and Intellectual Migration

with Sergey Lagodinsky (Berlin/Brüssel)

7th January 2021, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event



The Long Silent Revolution:

Narrating Russian and Soviet Jewish Migration across the Long Twentieth Century

with Rebecca Kobrin (New York)

10th December 2021, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Messages in a Bottle. The Migration of Texts

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

3rd to 4th December 2020
Digital event


Integration of Jewish Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union:

Lessons for the Recent Refugees

with Irena Kogan (Mannheim)

26th November 2020, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Loyalität, Widerspruch, Auswanderung:

Pogromgerüchte, Aktivismus und jüdische Emigration aus der UdSSR während der Perestroika

with Mischa Gabowitsch (Potsdam)

12th November 2020, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event


Schulen, Gruppen, Stile. Denken, kollektiv betrachtet

Workshop am ZfL Berlin

14th February 2020
Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin


Lecture Series: Ruptures and New Beginnings:

Jews and the Foundation of New States in the Twentieth Century

Prof. Dr. Jörg Deventer, Dr. Markus Kirchhoff

7th November 2019 to 6th February 2020, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Der Traum vom anderen Deutschland –

Jüdische Antifaschisten und ihre Rückkehr nach 1945

with Anna Koch (Leeds)

6th February 2020, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Kampf an allen Fronten –

Polen und Juden im Staatsgründungsprozess, 1918–1921

with Jochen Böhler (Jena)

30th January 2020, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Imperial Peoples in an Ethno-National Age –

Jews and the Foundation of the First Republic of Austria, 1918–1920

with Malachi Hacohen (Durham, NC)

16th January 2020, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


The US National Security Establishment on Zionism and then Israel in 1947–1948:

From Outright Opposition to Unenthusiastic Acceptance

with Jeffrey Herf (University of Maryland)

15 January 2020, 11:58 am
Dubnow Institute



What’s Wrong with International Law?

Europäisch-jüdische Emigrantenjuristen und das humanitäre Völkerrecht, 1930–1990

with Annette Weinke (Jena)

19th December 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Nation-State Formation in Egypt –

Consequences for the Jewish Community

with Yoram Meital (Be'er Scheva)

28th November 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Flaubert – Abramovitsh – Martin Walser:

Wie positioniert man jiddische Literatur?

with Susanne Klingenstein (Boston)

22nd November 2019
Dubnow Institute

Simon Dubnow Lecture

Jewish, French or Transnational? East European Jews in the Résistance

20th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Prof. Dr. Renée Poznanski (Beer-Sheva)

14th November 2019
Old Exchange in Leipzig


The One and the Many - New Research on Horace M. Kallen

Symposium at the Taub Center, New York

10th November 2019
The Taub Center, New York


Neue Staaten und legal activism –

Anfänge des humanitären Völkerrechts und des internationalen Strafrechts

with Dietmar Müller (Leipzig)

7th November 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Zur Philologie des Bösen:

Sprachkritik als Widerstand

with Jeremy Adler

21 October 2019, 5 p.m.
Literaturhaus Leipzig


»Sprachhandeln« – Reflexionen über die deutsche Sprache nach dem Holocaust

Internationaler Workshop im Rahmen des DFG/ANRKooperationsprojekts »Frühe Schreibweisen der Shoah. Wissens- und Textpraktiken von jüdischen Überlebenden in Europa 1942–1965«

21st to 22nd October 2019
Dubnow Institute


A Visit to the Capital of Nowhere:

The End of the Polish State and the Beginning of the Jewish Shtetl

with Ofer Dynes (Jerusalem)

17th October 2019
Dubnow Institute


Facing Anti-Semitism with a Club in Hand. Jewish Self-Defense in Argentina of the 1960s and the 1970s

with Raanan Rein (Tel Aviv)

26th September 2019
Dubnow Institute


Schreiben von unterwegs:

Postkarten von Walter Benjamin

with Liliane Weissberg (Pennsylvania)

23rd July 2019
Dubnow Institute


Lecture Series: Jewish Material Cultures in East-Central Europe in the 20th Century

4th April to 4th Juli 2019, thursdays 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Spuren einer zerstörten Welt:

Das deutsch-jüdische Kulturerbe in Slask Cieszynski nach 1945

with Janusz Spyra (Czestochowa)

4th July 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Remnants of the German-Jewish Past:

Archival Holdings at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw after 1945

with Michal Czajka (Warsaw)

27th June 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute



German movie with English subtitles

25 June 2019, 6 p.m.
Kinobar Prager Frühling

Book Presentation

Polens letzte Juden. Herkunft und Dissidenz um 1968

Book Presentation

with David Kowalski and Anna Artwińska

24 June 2019, 5 p.m.
Polnisches Institut Berlin – Filiale Leipzig


Vielfalt vernetzen – Wissen teilen. Final conference of the joint project »Virtuelle Archive für die geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung«

Final Conference of the Joint Project

20th to 21st June 2019
Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB)


Leibniz-HUJI Collaboration Workshop 2019

Initiative for Joint Research, Training and Qualification in History & Material Cultures

12 to 14 June 2019


Zionism: An Emotional State

with Derek Penslar (Harvard)

17th May 2019
Dubnow Institute


Silent Witnesses: Books in Ghetto Terezín during and after World War II

with Andrea Jelínková (Prague)

16th May 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Zwischen Szeged und Jerusalem:

Das Schicksal der Immánuel-Löw-Bibliothek

with Vera Ábrahám, Dóra Pataricza (Szeged)

2nd May 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Jewish Immigration to Mexico during Nazism and the Strange Case of Consul Gilberto Bosques

with Daniela Gleizer (Mexiko-Stadt)

24th April 2019
Dubnow Institute


Juridical Testimonies after 1945 – Expectations, Contexts and Comparisons

Workshop at the Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow in collaboration with the Fritz Bauer Institute

8th to 9th April 2019
Dubnow Institute


Jewish Things?

Material Culture and Jewish Studies

with Leora Auslander(Chicago)

4th April 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Europe, Europeanness, and Yiddish Literature: The Case of Dovid Hofshteyn

with Sabine Koller (Regensburg)

28th March 2019
Dubnow Institute

Book Presentation

»Ein elend-schönes Land«

Conversation and Reading

with Natasha Gordinsky and Annette Wolf

21 March 2019, 6 p.m.
Café Franz Morish


»Denn es ist nicht alles gleich, was Menschenantlitz trägt«

Die NS-Doktrin der Ungleichheit der Menschen im Lichte eines Reichsgerichtprozesses vom Jahre 1936

with Gerald Stourzh (University of Vienna)

7 March 2019, 6 p.m.


Makom //: – :// Place

Transdisciplinary Perspectives in the Field of Jewish Cultural Studies

25th to 26th February 2019
Dubnow Institute


Lecture Series: Linguistic Criticism as Historical Reflection in the Early Twentieth Century

18th Oktober 2018 to 14th February 2019, thursdays, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Sprache und Sprachverlust im Exil

with Sylvia Asmus (Frankfurt am Main)

14th February 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


International Working Group

Cultural Agency, Transnational Innovation, and Publishing Economics: The Romm Printing House and the European Republic of Letters

11th to 12th February 2019
Dubnow Institute

Book Presentation

Panel discussion Jerusalem als literarischer Ort der Moderne

with Thomas Sparr (Berlin) and Joachim Kalka (Darmstadt)

7th Feburary 2019, 5.00 p.m.
Haus des Buches e.V. – Literaturhaus Leipzig


»Das Hebräerland«. Else Lasker-Schüler und die deutsch-jüdische Palästina-Dichtung ihrer Zeit

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

6th to 8th February 2019
Dubnow Institute


Die Sprache lügt nicht – Victor Klemperer

with Heidrun Kämper (Mannheim)

31st January 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Martyr Memorial Services and the Formation of New Jewish Identities in Early Post-War Hungary

with Kata Bohus (Frankfurt)

17th January 2019
Dubnow Institute


Simmel und die Sprachkritik um 1900

with Gerald Hartung (Wuppertal)

10th January 2019, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute



Karl Kraus und die Sprache

with Arno Dusini (Wien)

13th December 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dunow Institute


Archives of German-Jewish Scholarship

Ceremonial event on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

29th November 2018
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz


Franz Kafka: Jargon and the Critique of Language

with Galili Shahar (Tel Aviv)

22nd November 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute

Simon Dubnow Lecture

Grenzland-Erfahrungen. Die ukrainische Nationsbildung und die Juden

19th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Prof. Dr. Frank Golczewski (Hamburg)

15th November 2018
Old Exchange in Leipzig


Dokumentieren/Demonstrieren. Hommage an Ruth Beckermann

Film screenings as part of DOK Leipzig

30 October to 2 November 2018
Passage Kinos Wintergarten


Public reading Weiße Sprache – Moderne jiddische Lyrik

Efrat Gal-Ed (Düsseldorf), Sabine Koller (Regensburg) und Hans Henrik Wöhler (Leipzig)

24th October 2018, 7.15 p.m.
Ariowitsch-Haus e. V., Hinrichsenstraße 14, Leipzig


Shared Space – Contact Zones: Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature in Eastern Europe

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

23rd to 25th October 2013
Dubnow Institute


17th International Symposium of the Ettersberg Foundation

Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland und Europa nach der Shoah

19th to 20th October 2018
Reithaus Weimar


Mauthner liest Mendelssohn: Zur Genese der modernen Sprachkritik

with Carolin Kosuch (Göttingen)

18th Oktober 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


»Neue Menschen« im Angesicht einer neuen Ordnung.

Bat'as Industrieutopie in Zlín unter deutscher Besatzung (1939–1945)

with Gregor Feindt (Mainz)

17th September 2018
Dubnow Institute


Cecylja Klaftenowa's Trade School for Girls in Lwow:

Pedagogy and Ideology

with Sarah Ellen Zarrow (Bellingham)

7th August 2018
Dubnow Institute


The Zionist Critique of Spinoza's Politics

with Julie E. Cooper (Tel Aviv)

24th July 2018
Dubnow Institute


Swinging the Pendulum Again:

Historicising our View of the Jews and the Russian Revolution

with Eli Lederhendler (Jerusalem)

11th July 2018
Dubnow Institute


Lecture Series: Lucha y Libertad – Jews in Twentieth-Century Latin America

3rd May to 5th July 2018, thursdays 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Pertencer. Geschichte und Erfahrung im Werk von Clarice Lispector (1920–1977)

with Susanne Zepp (Berlin)

5th July 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Unter dem Kreuz des Südens. Jüdische Erfahrungen in Lateinamerika

with Liliana Feierstein (Berlin)

28th June 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Psychoanalysis in Latin America. A Jewish Science?

with Mariano Ben Plotkin (Buenos Aires)

7th June 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Lecture and discussion

Zeitschichten. Bernardo Kucinski (São Paulo) über jüdische Geschichtserfahrung in Brasilien

15th May 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Zeitschichten. Bernardo Kucinski (São Paulo) über jüdische Geschichtserfahrung in Brasilien

Moderation: Lukas Böckmann

Bernardo Kucinski (Author) und Sarita Brandt (Translator)

15th May 2018
Dubnow Institute


Coming to Terms with the Holocaust and Hoping for Eretz Israel.

The Jewish Communities of Mexico City and Buenos Aires (1945–1946)

with Andrea Acle-Kreysing (Leipzig)

3rd May 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Conference 1948. The Jewish Quest for Rights and Justice in the Postwar Moment

17th to 18th April 2018
Brandeis University Faculty Club


Herkunft und Zukunft

Annäherungen an eine neue Geschichte der Arbeiter- und Gewerkschaftsbewegung

22nd March 2018
Dubnow Institute


The Jewish Community in the Free City of Danzig, 1919–1939

with Adrian Mitter (Marburg/Toronto)

27th February 2018
Dubnow Institute



Beschreibungen der Gegenwart in der Moderne

23rd February 2018
Zentrums für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), Berlin


Sephardi »Aufklärung«: Jewish Enlightenment in the Ottoman East

with Tamir Karkason (Jerusalem)

20th February 2018
Dubnow Institute


Lecture Series: Transnationale Verschränkungen – Jüdische Institutionen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

25th October 2017 to 31st January 2018, wednesdays 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Von Wilna nach New York: Das YIVO-Institut und der steinige Boden Amerikas

with Markus Krah (Berlin)

31st January 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Institutions in a Time of Nation Building: The Conflict over the National and University Library in Jerusalem

with Enrico Lucca (Leipzig)

24th January 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Zwischen Ideologie und Ökonomie: Zionistische Organisationen und die Migration nach Palästina (1880–1938)

with Björn Siegel (Hamburg)

17th January 2018, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute



Jüdische Geschlechterforschung und Organisationsgeschichte: Bund und Centralverein im Vergleich

with Rebekka Denz (Bamberg)

2nd December 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Building from Ashes: Jews in Postwar Europe (1945–1950)

3rd to 5th December 2017
Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main

Simon Dubnow Lecture

Judentum, Christentum, Islam Nachbarschaften in der Longue Durée

18th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with David Nirenberg (Chicago, Ill.)

30th November 2017
Lecture hall Bibliotheca Albertina


Placing the Irreplaceable – Restitution of Jewish Cultural Property: Negotiations, Historical Dimensions, Documentation

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

16th to 17th November 2017
Dubnow Institute


State Servants and Jewish Leadership: The Jewish Community of Istanbul (1826–1922)

with Minna Rozen (Haifa)

25th October 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Bilder der Schoah in der Kunst der DDR

with Florian Korn (Leipzig)

23rd October 2017
Dubnow Institute


Double Burden: Israelis in Contemporary Germany

with Uzi Rebhun (Jerusalem)

1st September 2017
Dubnow Institute


Found Photographs and the Commemoration of Europe's Jewry

with Ewa Stanczyk (Amsterdam)

24th August 2017
Dubnow Institute


On Bifocality and German-Speaking Historians in Israel

with Yonatan Shiloh-Dayan (Jerusalem/Berlin)

10th August 2017
Dubnow Institute


Lecture Series: Beyond a »Prescribed Anti-Fascism« New Approaches to the History of the Jews in the GDR

12th April to 5th Juli 2017, wednesdays 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Judentum als Provokation. Stefan Heym und die DDR

with Cathy Gelbin (Manchester)

5th July 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Persons Persecuted by the Nazis Giving Testimony

Sources, Contexts, Interpretations

26th June 2017
Dubnow Institute


YIVO Paris: Modern Eastern European Jewish Scholarship in the Capital of European Culture and Thought

with Nick Underwood (Boulder, Col.)

19th June 2017
Dubnow Institute


Jewish History and Culture in the Early Modern World

New Perspectives in Research, Exhibitions and Digitalization

19th to 20th June 2017
Dubnow Institute


Juden in der DDR – Marginalien zu einer »Fußnote der Geschichte«?

with Constantin Goschler (Bochum)

14th June 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Thomas Brasch: Ödipus oder Isaak? Eine historisch-literarische Spurensuche

with Ofer Waldman (Jerusalem/Berlin)

31st May 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


»Ich kenne nur Deutsche«:

Jewish Questions, 1916–1919

with Lucia Linares (Cambridge)

30th May 2017
Dubnow Institute


»The Only University in Jerusalem«:

The Hebrew University and the Never Realized Projekt(s) of a Local University in Palestine (1920–1935)

with Adi Livny (Jerusalem)

23rd May 2017
Dubnow Institute


Der Gerichtsreporter als Zeuge. Rudolf Hirsch und die verborgene Präsenz der Schoah

with Alexander Walther (Jena)

3rd May 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)


»Nobody’s Autobiography«:

Memoirs by Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants

with Yael Ben-Zvi Morad (Beer Sheva)

27th April 2017
Dubnow Institute


»Leben danach« – Jüdische Kindheit im Osten Deutschlands nach 1945

with Anke Kalkbrenner (Berlin)

26th April 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


»Sojourners« (documentary USA/D/CZ 1993)

Screening and discussion with the co-producer Jeffrey M. Peck (Berlin/New York) and the historian Annette Leo (Berlin)

with co-producer Jeffrey M. Peck (Berlin/New York) and historian Annette Leo (Berlin)

12th April 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute



Juden und Nichtjuden in Polen (1918–1956)

with Agnieszka Wierzcholska (Berlin)

23rd February 2017
Dubnow Institute


The History of Jewry and Jewish History

10th February 2017
Dubnow Institute


Lecture Series: The Epistemological Value of the Historical Individual.

New Perspectives in Biographical Research

9th November 2016 to 8th February 2017, wednesdays 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


»Woran die Menge glaubt, ist leicht zu glauben«: Überlegungen zur politischen Biografie des deutschen Zionisten Richard Lichtheim (1885–1963)

with Andrea Kirchner (Frankfurt am Main/Jerusalem)

8th February 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Biografie ohne Biografismus?

(has been cancelled)

with Detlev Claussen (Hannover)

1st February 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


The Tsaddik as Performer:

Rituals and Ceremonies in Eastern European Hasidism

with Gadi Sagiv (Ra'anana)

31st January 2017
Dubnow Institute


Raul Hilberg (1926–2007) erzählen: Zur Quadratur der Trias von Leben, Werk und Wirkung

with René Schlott (Potsdam)

11th January 2017, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute



Biography Writing as a Cross-Boundary Genre: Reflections from the Life-Trajectory of Hugo Bergmann (1883–1975)

with Enrico Lucca (Jerusalem)

7th December 2016, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


Das biografische Paradox: Biografien als Fenster zur Welt – oder bloß ein Narrativ?

with Thomas Etzemüller (Oldenburg)

30th November 2016, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute

Simon Dubnow Lecture

Lifting the Veil of Silence: The Kielce Pogrom 1946 and Its Aftermath

17th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Jan Tomasz Gross (Princeton, N. J.)

17th November 2016
Old Exchange in Leipzig


A Glimpse into the Promised Land of Law: The Life of Helen Silving-Ryu (1906–1993)

with Reut Yael Paz (Gießen)

9th November 2016, 5.15–6.45 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. (EST)
Dubnow Institute


»Empire – Community – Self Eastern European Jewry between Imperial Powers «

Annual International Conference of the Dubnow Institute

4th to 5th July 2016
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

After the Catastrophe. Jews in Europe, 1945–1949

16th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Atina Grossmann (New York)

26th November 2015
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»The Dialectic of Enlightenment in America«

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

15th to 16th June 2015
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Eine Enklave in Jerusalem: Der Skopusberg 1948–1967

15th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Yfaat Weiss (Jerusalem)

4th December 2014
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»›Jewish Questions‹ in International Politics – Diplomacy, Rights and Intervention«

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

12th to 13th June 2014
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

The Great War and Jewish Memory

14th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Jay Winter (New Haven)

21st November 2013
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Biography and Meaning – Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888–1973) or the Conversions of Knowledge«

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

7th to 8th October 2013
Dubnow Institute


»Textual Understanding and Historical Experience. A Conference on Peter Szondi«

International Conference

10th to 11th March 2013
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Orientations and Explanations. Trends and Modes in Holocaust Historiography

13th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Saul Friedländer (Los Angeles)

29th November 2012
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Language, Knowledge and Meaning. German in Jewish Cultures of Knowledge«

International Conference

18th to 19th October 2012
Leipzig, 18. Oktober, Simon-Dubnow-Institut Berlin, 19. Oktober, Freie Universität Berlin


»Jewish History and Culture in Early Modern Europe – The Eigtheenth Century Reconsidered«

International Conference

24th to 26th December 2012
June 24: Künstlerverein Malkasten; June 25–26: Schloss Jägerhof / Goethe -Museum Düsseldorf


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Aneignung und Abwehr. Jüdische Tradition im neuen Denken

12th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Vivian Liska (Antwerpen)

1st December 2011
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Gustav Mahlers Wirkungsgeschichte. Jüdische Topographien in der Musikkultur des Fin de Siècle«

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

23rd to 24th May 2011
Simon-Dubnow-Institut and Gewandhaus zu Leipzig


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Zwischen Mao und Mose: Der Mai '68 und die Frage jüdisch-französischer Zugehörigkeit

11th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Richard Wolin (New York)

25th November 2010
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Historicizing the Jewish People – A Conference in Honour of Simon Dubnow at 150«

International Conference

4th to 5th November 2010
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Juden in der muslimischen Welt. Geschichte und Kultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert

10th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Aron Rodrigue (Stanford)

3rd December 2009
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Translating Culture. A Conference in Honour of Sholem Aleichem's 150th Birthday«

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

15th to 16th Ocotber 2009
Dubnow Institute


»Between Coexistence and Divorce: 25 Years of Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jewry and Polish-Jewish Relations«

Internationale Konferenz

17th to 19th March 2009
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Von Dubnow zu Rawidowicz. Über eine jüdische Nation jenseits des Nationalstaates

9th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with David N. Myers (Los Angeles)

27th November 2008
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Perplexities – The Holocaust and the Political Memory of the Left«

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

29th to 30th October 2008
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

»Das Recht, Rechte zu haben« - Arendt und Kant zu kosmopolitischem Recht und Staatsbürgerschaft

8th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Seyla Benhabib (New Haven)

29th November 2007
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Collecting, Ordering, Knowing. Jewish and Other Worlds of Knowledge Preservation«

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

9th to 10th July 2007
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Deutsch-jüdische Sportgeschichte – Zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion

7th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Moshe Zimmermann (Jerusalem)

30th November 2006
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Reconsidering the Borderlines between Early Modern and Modern Jewish History«

Annual Conference of the Dubnow Institute

2nd to 3rd July 2006
Dubnow Institute


»Jews in the Modern World: Beyond the Nations«

International Conference

2nd to 3rd May 2006
2nd May: Centrum Judaicum, Berlin 3rd May: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften


Simon Dubnow Lecture

In the Face of What is Different: Gershom Scholem, Hannah Arendt, Victor Klemperer and National Socialism

6th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Steven Aschheim (Jerusalem)

1st December 2005
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»How General is Jewish History?«

International Conference

24th to 26th September 2005
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Historical Experience and the Culture of Knowledge: Karl W. Deutsch, from Prague to the United States

5th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Andrei S. Markovits (Michigan)

18th November 2004
Old Exchange in Leipzig


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Raphael Lemkin und der Begriff vom »Genozid«

4th Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Anson Rabinbach (Princeton)

18th December 2003
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»»Secondary Conversions« – Transforming Religious and Ethnic Emblematics of Judaism and Jewishness«

International Conference

22nd to 24th February 2003
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Born in Germany: Portrait of a Generation

3rd Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Walter Laqueur (Washington, D.C.)

5th December 2002
Old Exchange in Leipzig

Simon Dubnow Lecture

Jewish History in a Universal-Comparative Context

2nd Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt (Jerusalem)

23rd January 2002
Old Exchange in Leipzig



»Restitution and Memory. On Historical Remembrance and Material Restitution in Europe«

International Conference

21st to 23rd June 2001
Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften an der Kunstuniversität Linz in Wien


»Jewish Questions – Communist Answers? On Secularization, Ethnicity and Secondary Conversions.«

International Conference

10th to 13th May 2001
Dubnow Institute


Simon Dubnow Lecture

Einheit und Differenz: Zum Verhältnis von deutscher und jüdischer Geschichte

1st Simon Dubnow Lecture

with Peter Pulzer (Oxford)

21st November 2000
Old Exchange in Leipzig


»Between Trieste, Salonika and Odessa: Historicizing Balkan and Related Jewries 1492-1918«

International Conference

4th to 6th November 2000
Dubnow Institute



»Polish Jewry, 1918-1939. Lifeworlds, Self Perception, and Political Action«

International Conference

11th to 13th December 1999
Dubnow Institute



»Jews and poverty in Middle- and Eastern Europe«

International Conference

September 1997
Dubnow Institute