
»Ahead of the Lord God«

Maria Schrader reading Hanna Krall

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Admission and registration
Admission to all events is free; registration is recommended for the conference.

On Wednesday, 19 April 2023, 8 p.m., the actress Maria Schrader will read texts by the Polish writer and journalist Hanna Krall at the Salles de Pologne. Krall survived the years in the Warsaw Ghetto as a child. The reading is followed by a conversation between Prof. Dr. Anna Artwińska and PD Dr. Barbara Breysach (in German)

On April 19, 80 years ago, insufficiently armed Jews rose up in the ghetto, which had been established in the center of Warsaw, to prevent deportation to the death camps. They engaged in fierce fighting with the German occupation forces for several weeks. During the suppression, the Germans completely destroyed the ghetto and murdered most of the people who remained there.

The reading is part of the international conference "Looking at the Ghetto ...", which will take place in Leipzig from 17 to 19 April 2023, but can also be attended independently. The conference lecturey will be held in German and English and will each be simultaneously translated.

You can also participate in the conference and the reading digitally.

followed by a conversation between Prof. Dr. Anna Artwińska and PD Dr. Barbara Breysach 

19 April 2023, 8 p.m., Admission: 7.30 p.m.
Salles de Pologne, Leipzig