Fellowship Program

Leibniz Fellowships »Value of the Past«

Application deadline: April 30, 2024

The Leibniz Research Alliance »Value of the Past« is pleased to invite applications for up to nine Leibniz Fellowships »Value of the Past«. These month‐long fellowships provide an opportunity to research in the alliance’s research field and its main topics at one of the participating Leibniz research institutes and Leibniz research museums.

The interdisciplinary Leibniz Research Alliance »Value of the Past« examines the values that societies attach to the past. It examines processes of value creation as well as competing values in disputes over the past. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the relevance of the past for societies and the changeable historicity of values, the alliance analyses past and current practices of assessing, rethinking, raising, decreasing and harnessing the value of the past, and of their underlying lifeworlds and horizons of validity. The alliance postulates that particularly in times of political upheavals and crises, processes of negotiating the value of the past play a crucial role.

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