Current Semester

The courses at the Dubnow Institute are part of the regular semester program of the Department of History of the Leipzig University. At least two seminars are offered each semester, forming the module »European History of the Jews«; in the summer semester in the Bachelor's programme »History«, in the winter semester in the Master's programme »Medieval and Modern History.« In the module »Basic Problems of Jewish and General History of the Modern Era,« a public research colloquium is held every semester.


Winter Semester

Master’s in History, Focal Module 03-HIS-0410 »European History of the Jews«

The module includes two seminars that can be chosen the offerd ones; altogether four hours per semester week.

These two seminars and/or tutorials together comprise the module “European History of the Jews” (03-HIS-0410), which forms part of the course M.A. in Medieval and Modern History at the Historical Seminar. These seminars and tutorials may be attended individually or as a module by students of the European Studies Masters program at the Institute for Cultural Studies, by students of bibliography, and pending consultation by students of the Faculty of Law at Leipzig University. These seminars and tutorials also form a part of the Master’s in »History and Politics of the 20th Century« at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Depending on their enrolment, students may attend the research colloquium either as a specialization module or as an additional course.

Enrollment: see the key date in the Department of History

Grading: presentation and seminar paper

Summer Semster

BA in History, Module 03-HIS-0218 »History of the Jews in Modernity«

The module includes two seminars that can be chosen from the offered ones; altogether four hours per semester week.

The two courses comprise the module »History of the Jews in Modernity« (03-HIS-0218) in the BA degree program in History in the Department of History. The courses are open to students registered in the MA degree program »European Studies« and in the previous MA and Teacher Training degree programs in the Department of History, the the Institute for Cultural Studies, and the Institute of Political Science at Leipzig University. The courses are also open to students in the MA degree program »History and Politics of the 20th Century« at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.

Depending on their enrolment, students may attend the research colloquium either as a specialization module or as an additional course.

Enrollment: see the key date in the Department of History

Grading: presentation and seminar paper

Courses offered in the summer semester 2025


The British Mandate in Palestine

Foundational Questions and Aspects

Lecturer: Maya Kreiner

Summer semester 2025


Jüdische Teilhabe und antisemitischer Ausschluss

Debatten über Kunst und Kultur um 1900

Lecturer: Dr. Nicolas Berg / Stefan Hofmann

Summer semester 2025

Block seminar

Theorien zum Antisemitismus nach 1945

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Raphael Gross / Dagi Knellessen (Universität Leipzig / Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin)

Summer semester 2025


Haus der Ewigkeit

Friedhöfe als Spiegel der jüdischen Geschichte in Deutschland

Lecturer: PD Dr. Philipp Grad

Summer semester 2025