The Long Silent Revolution:
Narrating Russian and Soviet Jewish Migration across the Long Twentieth Century
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Lecture by Rebecca Kobrin (New York) as part of the online lecture series »Let My People Go!« Jüdische Emigration aus Osteuropa seit den 1960er Jahren
This lecture series takes the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Dubnow Institute as an opportunity to examine Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe between the 1960s and 1990s in order to highlight the effects and repercussions these waves of migration exerted on Jewish studies, especially in the United States, Israel, and Federal Republic of Germany.
The focus of these broadly contextualizing lectures is on migration processes from an interdisciplinary perspective. Of central interest here is the experience of migration as well as the different disciplinary specializations of the scholars (political science, sociology, history, material culture, literature) in question. The aim of the lecture series is to discern the relationship between knowledge and migration in the respective countries.
10th December 2021, 5.15–6.15 p.m. (CEST); 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. (EST)
Digital event