Dozent an der School of Arts, Social Studies and Culture des Sapir College, Sderot.
Von 2007 bis 2013 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Dubnow-Institut.
Portable Belonging. Jews and Travel Documents in Europe between the Two World Wars
Noises of Modernity. Hearing Experiences in Germany 1914–1945, Tel Aviv 2011.
The Soundmindedness of the Great War. Viewing History through Auditory Lenses in: Florence Feiereisen/Alexandra Miller Hill (Hgg.), Germany in the Loud Twentieth Century. An Introduction, Oxford/New York 2011, 51–63.
»Silenced Power«: Warfare Technology and the Changing Role of Sounds in Twentieth-Century Europe, in: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History 8 (2011), 178–197.