»›Jewish Questions‹ in International Politics – Diplomacy, Rights and Intervention«
Jahreskonferenz des Dubnow-Instituts
In recent years a growing number of works have studied the role Jews played in shaping the international system in the 19th and 20th centuries to defend the rights of Jews in Europe and beyond. Dealing with »Jewish questions« such as citizenship and emancipation as well as experiences of persecution, this field of research at the same time reflects structures and problems of modern international politics more generally.
The Dubnow Institute 2014 annual conference presents fresh studies on this subject matter and seeks to discuss the historiographical and conceptual questions that arise from the »transnational turn« in modern Jewish history. The papers in the conference will explore topics relating to Jews and European empire, international organization, transnational philanthropy, humanitarian intervention, minority rights, human rights and collective claims.
12. bis 13. Juni 2014