Makom //: – :// Place
Transdisciplinary Perspectives in the Field of Jewish Cultural Studies
The academic workshop will deal with transdisciplinary perspectives in Jewish cultural studies. At this meeting of Israeli and German scholars at the Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow, fellows of the I-CORE Center of Excellence "Da’at Hamakom" will present their research projects in Leipzig.
All contributions correspond to notions of "place" in Jewish culture in modernity. They will present cultural landscapes, musical enactments and representations between the sacred and the profane. The participants will give insight into their current work and discuss innovative research results in their respective disciplines.
The aim of the two-day event is to deepen existing scholarly exchange and to promote sustainable academic relations in the humanities between Germany and Israel.
Hila Shalem Baharad, I-CORE | Dr. Naomi Cohn Zentner, I-CORE | Prof. Dr. Jörg Deventer, Dubnow Institute | Walid Abd El Gawad, Leipzig University | Rebekka Grossmann, I-CORE | Ido Harari, I-CORE | Dr. Hanan Harif, I-CORE | Dr. Enrico Lucca, Dubnow Institute | Jonathan Matthews, I-CORE | Léontine Meijer-van Mensch, Staatliche Ethnografische Sammlungen der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen, Dresden | Dr. Yonatan Mendel, I-CORE/Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Prof. Dr. Gerold Necker, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg | Eli Osheroff, Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Dubnow Institute | Dr. Diego Rotman, I-CORE/ Queen’s University, Kingston | Dr. Yael Sela (Teichler), I-CORE/Open University of Israel | Dr. des. Ze’ev Strauss, Universität Hamburg | Dr. Avi-ram Tzoreff, I-CORE/ Europe in the Middle East (EUME) Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin | PD Dr. Jeannette van Laak, Dubnow Institute | PD Dr. Stefan Vogt, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main | PD Dr. Annette Vowinckel, Center for Contemporary History Potsdam | Prof. Dr. Yfaat Weiss, Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Dubnow Institute
25. bis 26. Februar 2019
Grußwort: Yfaat Weiss, Jörg Deventer
Workshop des Leibniz-Instituts für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur – Simon Dubnow in Kooperation mit "Da’at Hamakom" – I-CORE Center for the Study of Cultures of Place in the Modern Jewish World