Eine Sprache, viele Sprachen. Über die Dokumentarfilme von Nurith Aviv, in: Jüdische Geschichte & Kultur. Magazin des Dubnow-Instituts 7 (2023), 54–57.
Always Far from the Center. Ḥayyim Lenski and Hebrew Poetry in Russia between the Wars, in: Efrat Gal-Ed/Natasha Gordinsky/Sabine Koller/Yfaat Weiss (eds.), In Their Surroundings. Localizing Modern Jewish Literatures in Eastern Europe, Göttingen 2022/2023, 149–156.
Recent Literature on Gershom Scholem. A Review Essay, in: Jahrbuch des Dubnow-Instituts/Dubnow Institute Yearbook 18 (2019) [2022], 509–534.
Postface, in: André Neher, Critique Biblique et Tradition Juive. Suivi des trois autres textes inedits, Éditions de l’éclat, Paris 2022, 117–150.
Felix Weltsch, Im Autobus. Soziologische Beobachtungen im heutigen Israel. Einführung von Enrico Lucca, in: Jüdische Geschichte & Kultur. Magazin des Dubnow-Instituts 5 (2021), 41–43.
Gershom Scholem y el lugar de la cábala en la cultura y el pensamiento del siglo XX. In Arcana del Pensamiento del siglo XX [Gershom Scholem and the Role of Kabbalah in 20th Century Culture and Thought], in: J. L. Villacañas, R. Navarrete, C. Basili (eds.), Herder, Barcelona 2021, 143–166.
Translating, interpreting the Bible, fighting Satan. Rosenzweig, Scholem, and the end of their correspondence, in: Antonios Kalatzis/Enrico Lucca: "Into Life." Franz Rosenzweig on Knowledge, Aesthetics, and Politics, Leiden/Boston 2021, 9–38.
A Safe Home for German Jewry: Hugo Bergman, Ozrot ha-Golah, and His Return to Europe, in: Elisabeth Gallas/Anna Holzer-Kawalko/Caroline Jessen/Yfaat Weiss (eds.), Contested Heritage. Jewish Cultural Property after 1945, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020, 103–116.
Another Western European Jewish gaze. Hugo Bergmann, Bar Kochba, and his stance toward Hebrew (and Yiddish) language and literature, in: Yearbook for European Jewish Literature Studies/Jahrbuch für europäisch-jüdische Literaturstudien, 6 (2019), 33–60.
Biography and Institutional History: Hugo Bergman’s First Journey as Rector of the Hebrew University (1937), in: Jahrbuch des Dubnow-Instituts/Dubnow Institute Yearbook 16 (2017) [2019], 465–489.
A Goy who Studies Torah. Two Unpublished Sources by Ernst Simon and Gershom Scholem on Franz Rosenzweig, in: Naharaim. Zeitschrift für deutsch-jüdische Literatur und Kulturgeschichte, 12 (2018), no. 1–2, 197–224 [together with Ynon Wygoda].
Martin Buber e Hugo Bergmann in dialogo su religione e filosofia, in: La Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 83 (Mai-August 2017), no. 2–3, 173–190 [Martin Buber and Hugo Bergmann in conversation about religion and philosophy].
Filosofia dell’incertezza. Su un appunto del giovane Kafka, in: Materiali di Estetica. Terza serie, 4 (2017), no. 2, 118–130 [Philosophy of Uncertainty. On a note by the young Kafka].
Réception [Reception], in: Salomon Malka (ed.), Dictionnaire Rosenzweig. Une étoile dans le siècle [Rosenzweig Dictionary. A Star in the Century], Paris 2016, 305–313 (together with Ynon Wygoda).
Sotto il segno della Gnosi. Un'approssimazione ad alcune poesie scholemiane [Under the Sign of Gnosis. An Approximation to Scholem's Poetry], in: Tamara Tagliacozzo (ed.), Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem e il linguaggio [Walter Benjamin, Gershom Scholem, and Language], Milan 2016, 167–184.
Hugo Bergmann e la via verso un nuovo umanesimo ebraico [Hugo Bergmann and the Way towards a new Jewish Humanism], in: Filosofia e Teologia [Philosophy and Theology] 30 (2016), 335–345.
Vom Gott der Aufklärung zum Gott der Religion. Franz Rosenzweigs Kampf gegen die Geschichte als Theodizee und sein Brief an Rudolf Ehrenberg vom September 1910, in: Naharaim. Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History 10 (2016), no. 2, 303–319 (together with Roberto Navarrete Alonso).
Gerusalemme 1936. Leggere Franz Rosenzweig in Palestina [Jerusalem 1936. Reading Franz Rosenzweig in Palestine], in: Intersezioni. Rivista di storia delle idee [Intersections. Journal of the History of Ideas] 36 (2016), no. 2, 245–256.
Crisis y apocalipsis. Notas para un análisis de la reflexión scholemiana sobre el mesianismo [Crisis and Apocalypse. Notes towards an Analysis of Scholem's Reflections on Messianism], in: Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas [Res Publica. Journals of History of Political Ideas] 18 (2015), no. 2, 339–351.
Il riposo della terra. Anno sabbatico in terra d'Israele [The Resting of the Land. Sabbatical Year in Israel], in: Equilibri. Rivista per lo sviluppo sostenibile [Equilibri. Journal of Sustainable Development] 19 (2015), no. 1, 168–173.
Spinoza, in: Mariacristina Bartolomei (ed.), Filosofia della Religione. Lineamenti introduttivi [Philosophy of Religion. An Introduction], Milan 2015, 101–105.
Decadenza del linguaggio e crisi del sionismo nel giovane Scholem [Decadence of Language and Crisis of Zionism in the Early Scholem], in: Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio [Italian Journal of Philosophy of Language] 8 (2014), no. 2, 171–181.
Sull'orlo dell'abisso. Scholem e Rosenzweig sulla lingua ebraica [On the Verge of the Abyss. Scholem and Rosenzweig on the Hebrew Language], in: Rivista di Storia della Filosofia [Journal for the History of Philosophy] 68 (2013), no. 2, 305–320.
Dossier Jesi. Lettere e Materiali (Furio Jesi, Gershom Scholem) [Dossier Jesi. Letters and Other Material (Furio Jesi, Gershom Scholem)], in: Scienza & Politica [Science & Politics] 48 (2013), 103–109.
Il Dio delle Tenebre. Un breve carteggio tra Furio Jesi e Gershom Scholem [The God of Darkness. A Short Correspondence between Furio Jesi and Gershom Scholem], in: Storiografia. Rivista annuale di Storia [Historiography. Yearbook of History] 17 (2013), 163–168. Also in: Scienza & Politica [Science & Politics] 48 (2013), 111–116.
Gershom Scholem on Franz Rosenzweig and the Kabbalah. Introduction to the Text, in: Naharaim. Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History 6 (2012), no. 1, 7–19.
Edition of Gershom Scholem, »On Franz Rosenzweig and his Familiarity with Kabbala Literature«, in: Naharaim. Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History 6 (2012), no. 1, 1–6.
La dialettica paradossale tra rivelazione e commento e la crisi della tradizione nell'opera di Gershom Scholem [The Paradoxical Dialectics between Revelation and Commentary and the Crisis of Tradition in Gershom Scholem's Work], in: Mariacristina Bartolomei (ed.), La Filosofia e il Grande Codice. Libertà di Pensiero – Fissità della Scrittura [Philosophy and the Great Code. Freedom of Thought – Fixity of Writing], Turin 2012, 105–123.
Between History and Philosophy of History. Comments on an Unpublished Document by Gershom Scholem, in: Naharaim. Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History 5 (2011), no. 1–2, 8–16.
Edition of Gershom Scholem, »On History and Philosophy of History«, in: Naharaim. Journal for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History 5 (2011), no. 1–2, 1–7.
Stéphane Mosès lettore del testo biblico [Stéphane Mosès. Reader of the Bible], in: Filosofia e Teologia [Philosopy and Theology] 24 (2010), no. 3, 587–594.
Tra interrogazione e silenzio. La tematizzazione dell'origine nell'ermeneutica di Edmond Jabès [Between Question and Silence. The Thematization of the Origins in Edmond Jabès' Hermeneutics], in: Filosofia e Teologia [Philosopy and Theology] 22 (2008), no. 3, 576–586.