Shifting Knowledge

This project »Shifting Knowledge. The Impact and Repercussion of Emigration from Eastern Europe on Jewish Studies since the 1960s« was dedicated to Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union and other East Central and Eastern European countries between the 1960s and the 1990s and the impact and repercussion these waves of migration had on Jewish studies in the USA, Israel, and Germany.

Jewish emigrants from Eastern Europe had a decisive influence on the change that the study and documentation of Eastern European Jewish history and culture underwent in the second half of the twentieth century. The project examined among other things the question of what impulses the emigrant scholars triggered in their destination countries as well as countries of origin since the 1960s. It moreover analyzed their scholarly impact, which led to the emergence of new research institutions dedicated to Jewish history and culture in Eastern Europe following the political turn of 1989/1990.

The relationship between knowledge and migration was the focus of the digital lecture series »Let My People Go! Jewish Emigration from Eastern Europe since the 1960s«, , which took place in the winter semester 2020/2021 with renowned experts from the USA and Israel, among others. The project findings were presented in the exhibition »Jewish Album. Photographs by Rita Ostrovska« from 2021 to 2023. A further result of the research project is the brochure »Think Lab,« which was published in summer 2022.


This Project was financed by the Saxon State government out of the State budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.