Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts/Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook

Volume 2 (2003)

Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts/Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook

Yearbook: Volume 2, 2003

The second »Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook«is dedicated to the history of Jewries on the European periphery. The focus here is on discerning the spatial and transgressive dimensions of Jewish history as well as the paradox of its diverse uniformity. Of particular interest are places where Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewries either preserved their cultural differences, affected one another, or merged together. Such peripheral topographies are especially visible in the triangle framed by the port cities of Trieste, Salonika, and Odessa, a space characterized by imperial premodern traditions. This volume focuses on urban centers and landscapes that were shaped by Jews, with an equal focus on various historical approaches such as diplomatic and political history, social history, and the history of memory.

All titles in the series »Dubnow Institute Yearbook«

With contributions by

Esther Benbassa, Paris • Stefan Ehrenpreis, Berlin • Ivo Goldstein, Zagreb • Andreas Gotzmann, Erfurt • Tobias Grill, München • Jörn Grünewald, Berlin • Mariana Hausleitner, Berlin • Guido Hausmann, Köln • Patricia Herlihy, Providence, R. I. • Lilli Herschhorn, Berlin • Anke Hilbrenner, Bonn • Alexis Hofmeister, Köln • Walter Kaufmann, Berlin • Victor E. Kelner, St. Petersburg • John D. Klier, London • Mark Levene, Southampton • Michael G. Müller, Halle (Saale) • Tanja Penter, Bochum • Joachim Schlör, Potsdam • Reet Schmidt, Potsdam • Mark Sokolyansky, Lübeck • Matthias Stadelmann, Erlangen-Nürnberg • Maria Vassilikou, Berlin • Stephan Wendehorst, Leipzig • Steven J. Zipperstein, Stanford, Calif.

599 pp., linen

Stuttgart/Munich: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1st edition 2003

ISBN: 3-421-05522-X
Price: 68,00 € (D)

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