hefez. Studies on Jewish History and Material Culture

Volume 1

Hebräische Schreibkultur in Europa

Zalman Schneurs verschollene Briefe

Translated by Gundula Schiffer
With a foreword by Yfaat Weiss

This essay discusses the multi-lingual and transnational aspects of the Hebrew-European writing culture in the early twentieth century. It revisits the life and work of the popular Hebrew and Yiddish author Zalman Shneur (1887–1959). Presenting yet unknown personal correspondences, this essay follows the path from the published fiction back to the biographical facts of war and refuge, emigration and solitude. Found in Madrid more than five decades after Shneur’s decease, these corresponces expose the compleixty of modern Jewish writings. Written in German, French and Yiddish, these correspondeces were sent from post-revolutionay Russia, Weimar Berlin and 1940’s Paris. They expose the biographical maze incorporated in Shneur’s literary work and suggest new perspectives to the general understanding of modern Jewish writings in Europe.

All titles in the series »hefez. Studies on Jewish History and Material Culture«

124 pp, 5 colored figs., paperback
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022

Free of charge, Open Access
ISBN: 978-3-666-31083-6

ISBN: 978-3-525-33612-0
Price: bound as a book, paperback: 23,00 € (D)

The German-language volumes of the series »hefez. Studies on Jewish History and Material Culture« also appear in parallel editions in Hebrew.

Lilah Nethanel, Nadon le-he'alem. Masa al ha-michtavim ha-avudim schel Zalman Schneur [Bound to Disappear. Zalman Shneour’s Lost Letters], Jerusalem: Magnes 2022 (Hebr.; 120 pp, 5 ill).

ISBN 978-965-7808-29-0
ISBN e-book 978-965-7808-30-6

More about the Hebrew volume


Susanne Klingenstein, in: FAZ, 3 March 2022, 12.