Leipzig University

Located in the same city, Leipzig University is the main cooperation partner of the Dubnow Institute. Since 2000, the DI has also been connected to the university through its status as an affiliated institute. With the International Research Training Group »Belongings. Jewish Material Culture in 20th Century Europe and Beyond«, the DI's collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Leipzig University was taken to a new level in 2024. The intensive collaboration between the institutions encompasses teaching, the promotion of early career scholars, particularly in the field of doctoral training, and the organization of scholarly events aimed at a broad academic audience.


International Research Training Group »Belongings. Jewish Material Culture in 20th Century Europe and Beyond«

The Research Training Group, led by Prof. Yfaat Weiss, Director of the Dubnow Institute in Leipzig, together with Prof. Benjamin Pollock at the Faculty of Humanities of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, enables doctoral candidates to pursue a scholarly degree in both locations and foster the establishment of transnational networks. Since August 2024, 22 doctoral candidates and two postdocs will work together in two cohorts in Jerusalem and Leipzig in a structured program, during which they will be co-supervised by professors from both universities.

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Every semester, the scholars at the Dubnow Institute conduct seminars, exercises, and a research colloquium on Jewish history and culture at Leipzig University.

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Leibniz ScienceCampus »Eastern Europe – Global Area«

The Leibniz ScienceCampus “Eastern Europe – Global Area” (EEGA), of which the DI has been a member since 2020, is committed to the development of new research perspectives on Eastern Europe, to scholarly exchange with actors from the region, and to the promotion of early career scholars.

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