Leipzig Studies on Jewish History and Culture

Volume 8 (2010)

Kommunikationsräume des Europäischen –

Jüdische Wissenskulturen jenseits des Nationalen

Leipzig Studies, Kommunikationsräume des Europäischen, 2010

For the Jewish life worlds and worlds of knowledge since the end of the 18th century, what was »European« constituted a central albeit ambivalent point of reference. On the one hand, their transnational and transterritorial form of living made Jews into Europeans avant la lettre. Their common language promoted the formation of networks dedicated to mediating knowledge of diverse provenience across all of Europe and beyond. On the other, the adoption of the languages of their respective surrounding culture in the course of the Enlightenment and internal Jewish transformations increasingly opened the door to their participation in secular cultures of knowledge and science. The Jews participated to a significant degree in the principal European developments, helping to shape these in the process. Written from the perspective of a range of different academic disciplines, the fifteen chapters in this collective volume open up a multitude of fresh vistas on the cultures of knowledge among Jews over the past two centuries in Europe and help to substantiate the »model character« of Jewish history as a paradigm for forms of transnational and European historiography.

With contributions by Monika Boll, Judith Ciminski, Tobias Freimüller, Hans-Joachim Hahn, Elisabeth Kohlhaas, Werner Konitzer, Simone Lässig, Susanne Marten-Finnis, Tobias Metzler, Hendrik Niether, Olaf Terpitz, Mirjam Thulin, Johannes Wiggering, Hansjakob Ziemer, Robert Zwarg

301 pp., Hardcover

Leipzig: Universitätsverlag 2014

ISBN: 978-3-86583-649-6
Price: 49,00 € (D)