Die Memoiren des Moses Wasserzug
Transl. from Hebrew by Johann Maier
The memoirs of Moses Wasserzug, active in the late 18th and early 19th century as a leader of prayer, ritual slaughterer, teacher, administrative clerk and in other functions for Jewish communities between Greifenhagen and Plock, are among the very few such memoirs for this period and region. They provide a special window onto the everyday life of Jews on the threshold to the modern period, and also point up the patterns of stratification in Jewish society at the time. Jakub Goldberg, the Jerusalem historian and leading expert on the history of the Polish Jews in the early modern period, has written a detailed introduction to this important document.
75 pp., paperback
Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2001
2nd edition
ISBN: 3-933240-43-3
Price: 15,00 € (D)
The book is available at the Dubnow Institute. Please send your order to: