Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur in Mittel- und Osteuropa
The eight articles in this book provide an overview of the program for guest scholars at the Simon Dubnow Institute 1995–1998. These are revised versions of guest lectures presented at the Institute during this time frame. The texts were previously available only in brochure form and have been gathered together for the first time here in a single volume, of potential interest to a broad academic public. The essays focus on questions in the history of science, secularization and acculturation, as well as the relation of Jews to their non-Jewish environment.
With contributions by Esfir Bramson-Alpernienè, Christopher R. Friedrichs, Jacob Goldberg, François Guesnet, Wilma Iggers, Victor Karady, Henry Wassermann und Theodor R. Weeks
250 pp., paperback
Leipzig: Leipziger Universitäts-Verlag, 2002
ISBN: 3-935693-92-3
Price: 19,00 € (D)