Block seminar

Winter Semester 2019/2020

Exhibiting: German colonial racism and National Socialist anti-Semitism

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Raphael Gross/Fritz Backhaus (German Historical Museum)

Time: 29 November 2019; 30 and 31 January 2020 (block seminar)

Start: 29 November 2019

Location: Dubnow Institute, Goldschmidtstr. 28

Seminar Language: German

Literature: George L. Mosse, Die Geschichte des Rassismus in Europa, Frankfurt a. M. 1990; Hannah Arendt, Elemente und Ursprünge Totaler Herrschaft, München 1986; Anna Danilina, Die moralische Ökonomie der »inneren Kolonie«: Genossenschaft, Reform und Rasse in der deutschen Siedlungsbewegung (1893–1926), in: Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Sonderheft 26 (2019): Moral Economies, 103–132; Pascal Grosse, What Does German Colonialism Have to Do with National Socialism? A Conceptual Framework, in: Eric Ames u. a. (Hg.), Germany’s Colonial Pasts, London 2005, 115–134.


Open to mature age students: no

Participation is limited to 25 people.

Participation is conditional on giving a short presentation.