Academy Project

The Academy Project »European Traditions – Encyclopedia of Jewish Cultures« is a Research Project of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig and cooperation partner of the Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow.

The aim of the Academy Project »European Traditions – Encyclopedia of Jewish Cultures« is to contribute to an understanding of modern Jewish history and culture in Europe. The project focuses on the promises and challenges as well as the cataclysms of political modernity, which particularly affected Jews in and after the emancipation era, from the middle of the 18th to the middle of the 20th century. The project work is devoted to the formulation of appropriate terms, the presentation of knowledge in encyclopaedic form and the collection of sources on specific thematic complexes.

The publication formats correlate with the modular structure of the Project:

  • a comprehensive encyclopedia, the »Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur«, also published in English as »Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture«;
  • Editions of selected sources and writings published in the »Library« and »Archive of Jewish History and Culture« series.

The Encyclopedia

The »Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture« presents a comprehensive overall picture in about 800 keywords. More than 500 authors from Germany and abroad have been won to contribute to the work. With the temporal focus of the span from about 1750 to 1950, the encyclopedia explores the diasporic Jewish life worlds as well as the transformation from sacred to profane Jewish forms of existence. The spatial framework is formed by Europe and the settlement areas of the Jews in the Near East and North Africa; America and other non-European areas are included in particular through migration. The German version of the work was published in seven volumes by the publishing house Metzler (Stuttgart/Weimar). Since 2017 the English translation is published by Brill (Leiden/Boston). The encyclopedia is also available online in both German and English.

The Editions

The editions deal with topics of the experience of the Jews from early modern period to modernity, especially as reflected in the history of law, diplomacy, politics and knowledge. The volumes are published in German or English in the series »Library« and »Archive of Jewish History and Culture«. The »Library« primarily presents personal contributions, including unpublished or rare writings, papers and letters. The »Archive« collects and edits material on topics, occasions or events of specific interest. The editions are published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Göttingen/Bristol Con.); from 2020 they will also be available online/open access.


1. Encylopedia German/English (EJGK/EJHC)

Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur (EJGK), hg. im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig von Dan Diner,

  • Band 1 (A–Cl), Stuttgart/Weimar, 2011;
  • Band 2 (Co–Ha), Stuttgart/Weimar, 2012;
  • Band 3 (He–Lu), Stuttgart/Weimar, 2012;
  • Band 4 (Ly–Po), Stuttgart/Weimar, 2013;
  • Band 5 (Pr–Sy), Stuttgart/Weimar, 2014;
  • Band 6 (Te–Z), Stuttgart/Weimar, 2015;
  • Band 7 (Register), Stuttgart/Weimar 2017.

Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture, ed. by Dan Diner on behalf of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig,

  • Vol. 1 (A–Cl), Leiden/Boston 2017;
  • Vol. 2 (Co–F), Leiden/Boston 2019;
  • Vol. 3 (G–Le), Leiden/Boston 2020;
  • Vol. 4 (Li–PH), Leiden/Boston 2021;
  • Vol. 5 (Pi–Sm), Leiden/Boston 2022;
  • Vol. 6 (Sn–Z), Leiden/Bosten 2024.

2. Editions:

  • Simon Dubnow: Geschichte eines jüdischen Soldaten. Bekenntnis eines von vielen, transl. from Russian by Vera Bischitzky and ed. by Vera Bischitzky and Stefan Schreiner, Göttingen 2012 (Library of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 1).
  • Jüdische Gemeindestatuten aus dem aschkenasischen Kulturraum 1650–1850, ed. by Stefan Litt, Göttingen 2014 (Archive of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 1).
  • The Assassination of Symon Petliura and the Trial of Scholem Schwarzbard 1926–1927. A Selection of Documents, ed. by David Engel, Göttingen 2016 (Archive of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 2).
  • Jewish Refugees in Shanghai 1933–1947. A Selection of Documents, ed. by Irene Eber, Göttingen 2018 (Archive of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 3).
  • Kriegsverbrechen, Restitution, Prävention. Aus dem Vorlass von Benjamin B. Ferencz, ed. by Constantin Goschler, Marcus Böick, and Julia Reus, Göttingen 2019 (Archive of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 4).
  • Simon Rawidowicz: Between Babylon and Jerusalem. Selected Writings, ed. by David N. Myers and Benjamin C. Ravid, Göttingen 2020 (Library of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 2).
  • Jüdische Fürsprache. Quellen aus Gemeindeprotokollbüchern (pinkasim) des aschkenasischen Kulturraums 1586–1808, ed. by Stefan Litt, Göttingen 2021 (Archive of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 5).
  • Khurbn-Forshung. Documents on Early Holocaust Research in Postwar Poland, ed. by Laura Jockusch, Göttingen 2021 (Archive of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 6).
  • Von Konstantinopel nach Genf. Quellen zum Wirken Richard Lichtheims, ed. by Andrea Kirchner, Göttingen 2022 (Archive of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 7)
  • Lazar Gulkowitsch: Schriften zur begriffsgeschichtlichen Methode 1934–1940/41, ed. by Ernst Müller together with Annett Martini, Göttingen 2022 (Library of Jewish History and Culture, vol. 3).
  • Oyfn Sheydveg. Issue 1, 1939 (April), ed., annotated, and introduced by Joshua M. Karlip, translated by Yankl Salant and Joshua M. Karlip, Göttingen 2023 (Archiv jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, Bd. 8).
  • Zur Wissenschaft des Judentums. Aus der Gelehrtenkorrespondenz Markus Branns, hg. v. Christian Wiese u. Daniel Ristau, Göttingen 2023 (Archiv jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, Bd. 9).
  • The Surviving Remnant. Documents on Jewish Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany 1945–1950, ed. by Atina Grossmann, Alexandra M. Kramen, Tamar Lewinsky, and Avinoam J. Patt, Göttingen 2024 (Archiv jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, Bd. 10; erscheint im Dezember 2024).

At the Website of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig you can find further detailed information.

Project Group

Dr. Markus Kirchhoff

Head of Group of the Academy Project

Tel: +49 341 21735-701

Dr. des Lukas Böckmann

Research Associate at the Dubnow Institute;
Research Associate at the Academy Project

Tel: +49 341 21735-702

Stefan Hofmann

Research Associate at the Academy Project;
Affiliated PhD Candidate at the Dubnow Institute

Tel: +49 341 21735-710

Dr. Martin Jost

Scientific Officer of the Directorate;
Research Associate at the Academy Project

Tel: +49 341 21735-56

Marcel Müller

Research Accociate at the Academy Project;
Affiliated PhD Candidate at the Dubnow Institute

Tel: +49 341 21735-700

Dr. Frauke von Rohden

Research Associate at the Academy Project

Tel: +49 341 21735-702

Johannes Rudloff

Academic Assistant at the Academy Project

Momme Schwarz

Research Associate at the Academy Project;
Affiliated PhD Candidate at the Dubnow Institute

Tel: +49 341 21735-700

Dr. Lilian Türk

Research Associate at the Academy Project
Affiliated Researcher at the Dubnow Institute

Tel: +49 341 21735-710

Georg Wehse

Research Associate at the Academy Project;
Affiliated PhD Candidate at the Dubnow Institute

Tel: +49 341 21735-710