Jewish History & Culture. Magazine of the Dubnow Institute

# 04 2020: Weltgeschichte

Jewish History & Culture. Magazine of the Dubnow Institute

Against the backdrop of Simon Dubnow’s historiography and thought, the fourth issue of »Jüdische Geschichte & Kultur«focuses on concepts of a Jewish World History. On the occasion of the Dubnow Institute’s 25th anniversary, the issue is devoted to questions of Jewish individual and collective emancipation, political participation and cultural belonging, as well as juridical autonomy. The permanent sections »Position,« »Critique,« and »Archive« deal with interactions between the diaspora and Palestine or Israel, the newest movie »An Officer and a Spy« by Roman Polanski, and the first biography of Friedrich Pollock.

The magazine of the Dubnow Institute offers insights into the diversity of Jewish lived experiences from modernity into the present. Each issue is dedicated to a specific theme, examining topical questions, establishing fundamental connections, and discussing contrary perspectives. Further aspects of the respective topic are discussed in the columns »Position,« »Critique,« and »Archive.«

68 pp.

Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2020

ISSN: 2567-8469
ISBN: 978-3-86331-533-7
Price: 14,00 € (D), 17,20 € (international)

Published annually (spring)